Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When You Trust In Yourself You Trust In God

Messages from the Angels: Miracles happen when you trust


When you trust your heart and trust life, absolute miracles can be accomplished. The impossible suddenly becomes possible. Seemingly daunting tasks flow with grace and ease. In fact, you are designed to express the love of the creator as it flow through you. To the degree you are willing, you can allow this love to take over and create your lives, accomplish your projects and find solutions where you think there are none. With God all things are possible.

So when you embark on an inspired project, whether it be cleaning out a closet, eating healthier, trying new hobbies, taking a class, or staring a new business or relationship, trust that although you may not know how to make things work, God does. Although you might not know the next step, love always does. Although you may not know the exact outcome, you can trust that it will be exactly what your soul needs to learn and grow.

You Are Never Alone With God a Thought Away

Heavenletter #4902: What If We Did Love?

God said:

Speaking through His children, God said:

“These are two beautiful words – God said. God spoke to us. God speaks. God speaks to us. This is a beautiful thing. God has never stopped talking to us.

“God does not even have to speak. The vibration of God’s Being runs through the Universe. His energy upholds us. Nothing else does. If we think that we live by dint of our will, we learn soon enough that we live by the grace of God’s Will.

“It is never for us to think that God abandons us. Whether our bodies have life or death, God does not abandon any of us. He is with us. Do we think that this is a disclaimer that God makes? God, under any and all circumstances, is with us. God makes no disclaimers. God does not dismiss us at all, let alone so easily. God is always by our side. We may not always see this or feel this.”

Mystery Of Life: Our Soul Rose is Infinitely Blooming

Heavenletter #4903: Roses Blossoming in Fullness

God said:

No matter how far along in life you may think you are, you are a beginner. You are a beginner in that you are always growing. There is no end to you, beloveds. You are always beginning. You cannot take a breath and relax thinking that you have become all you are to become. You can take a breath and relax knowing that you will continue to learn and grow and continue to express all that is within you to express.

You can lose tenseness. Tenseness is not required. Learning and growing are. Learning and growing are a natural process and progress. You don’t have to always be thinking of what is natural. What is natural is not a process that you must activate. It is inevitable. You do not need to keep a scorecard. You do not need to rate yourself.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Optimism is the New Excersise for Holistic Wellness

Melchizedek: Learning through Contemplation

When your day is busy and you occasionally face various daily challenges, we know and understand it can be far too easy to become focused on the negative. You may find yourself feeling overworked, under-appreciated, tired and stressed out by all the many conflicting demands on your time and day. What often occurs as a result dear ones, is that negative thoughts and feelings come into your mind. Even though you already know positive thinking is the better alterative for your state of mind, it is also understood that positive thinking is also good for your overall health. Every time you make the motions to improve your thinking and to bring forth more positive thoughts and feelings you are also improving your confidence and mental well-being which will give a marvelous boost to your physical health.

Have you ever contemplated what can you do to get rid of negative thoughts and to replace them with a better and more positive attitude and way of thinking? You don’t have to be a natural-born optimist in order to bring positive changes to the way you think and view life. There are actual things you can do each day that will help to develop positive thinking as a skill that provides many rewarding and healing benefits.

Imperfection is Just an Easier Way of Saying I'm Perfection

Archangel Gabriel: Embracing Emotional Change

When you change how you feel about yourself, you are also changing your confidence and self-esteem. Many of you already understand both of these are based on emotions and feelings not on your self-image. So when you change how you feel emotionally about yourself with higher, uplifting and positive thoughts your self-esteem and confidence also rises. In order to change your emotions it is important for you to comprehend there are two different basic beliefs about the concept of self-image. There is a belief that you hold in one or more areas in your life where you feel you are not good enough. Now this could be tied into your financial status, intelligence, appearance, lack of sexual prowess…low self-image can be obvious in any area of your life. Then there is the second belief and that is your concept of success. Many find changing this belief to be contrary to logical thinking yet it is a necessary must if you are to overcome any insecurity and raise your self-esteem and confidence.

In your mind you have an image of success and where you should be in order to be happy. Your mind has this need to compare an image of perfection and how you see your self-image as it is. Unfortunately when you are busy comparing, judgments and criticisms towards your Self are born. It is when you begin comparing what is needed to be perfect where you begin to reject certain aspects of yourself being already good enough. Self-rejection creates a feeling of unworthiness to be successful, of moving forward or achieving and it greatly affects your self-esteem and confidence levels.

Ad-libing is Part of Life

Heavenletter #4904: Off-Stage

God said:

Know this: An answer will always come. An answer, a solution, is always waiting in the wings. You do not need to know an answer ahead of time. Life is easier for you when you do grasp that an answer will always come to you, dawn on you, or arrive even when you are not looking.

Does a response have to be the one you desire? Of course not. Yet, if you could see all the unweaving, you would stop fussing, for goodness and mercy do follow you all the days of your lives, even when you are sure you have been knocked about.

Remember: You Are Always Loved and Always Will Be

Turn Towards The Light Which Will Never Reject You

All are One. You all know that, you accept it as a basic fact or concept, and then you dismiss it from your minds as you go about your daily affairs. But you need to make it a part of yourselves, an aspect of yourselves that you carry in your conscious awareness at all times, otherwise it remains as meaningless to you as any field of study of which you have only vague knowledge and that holds no interest for you; an idea that is unimportant and is therefore readily dismissed and forgotten.

The fact that all are One is an aspect of Reality that you cannot afford to dismiss off-handedly, and as of no interest, while you go about your daily routines. Awareness of it needs to be an important and distinctive characteristic of your personal field of sentient consciousness. If you shut it out of your awareness then you are putting yourselves on auto-pilot, allowing your egos to rule your attitudes and behaviors, as the real You, the eternal part that is One with Source takes a nap. Then later, maybe, it becomes apparent that something strange has happened and you find yourself struggling with issues and conflicts that are quite disturbing, and wondering what could have caused them.

Monday, April 21, 2014

You Hold The Power


Your beliefs are so powerful! You know this to be true. You have had many experiences where you have turned the impossible into the possible simply by believing. You also know that the many times you have been told something by a person with authority, someone that has trained knowledge that you can’t do something, you will believe it, even if the words told are not entirely accurate. And your power of belief is so powerful that once you believe something, you begin behaving and responding as if the prediction or the words are actual truth, therefore manifesting the results to actually happen. Depending on what is being told to you, can encourage you, boost your confidence or erode your confidence and discourage you.

If negative beliefs can cause a disempowerment to your confidence, just imagine how empowering and powerful positive beliefs are. If you believe heart and soul that you can do something, reach a certain goal, dream or accomplishment, you will find a way to make this reach possible. A lot of great things got accomplished around the world throughout your history because those people believed they could; there was no impossible, even though many may have opposed the concept of putting a man on the moon, or thought it was impossible to overthrow the British that once sat comfortably in India. Impossible wasn’t in their thoughts, they believed anything and all is possible and forged ahead with a fire burning in their hearts.