Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Have You Been Bit By the Love Bug?

Part 170: Living Your I AM Presence, Together

Dear Ones, things are moving so fast these days, We are all out of breath. It is an exciting time, isn't it? But even with all the positive changes, you probably know some folks who are getting crankier and crankier because our loving energy challenges the emotional settings and philosophy of life they are used to. You can see it is a case of being shaken from their underpinnings, and for people who tend to be a little rigid or controlling, this can be an enormous challenge. They will struggle to hang on to their old ways until something reaches a breaking point - either they will stop fighting it and ease into the new higher vibration, or they will begin to lash out, blaming others for their discomfort. In this case it may be their relationships which will break. Either way, they will find the horizons expanding, and everyone will be offered the opportunity to open their sites to new and different ways to live.

How are you handling the shifts? Do you find yourself exhausted one day, so energized you can hardly sleep the next? Do you find yourself falling in love with your friends and neighbors in a way you have never felt before? Do you see the sparkling God presence in the children around you as never before? Have you experienced animals coming up to you to get acquainted, even the wild ones? Do you greet them warmly and without fear? If you do, you will be affirming your connection with all living creatures, and Mother Nature will smile.

When you open your heart, all the world feels your warmth and will beam up to meet you. Do not minimize the importance of this attraction. It is the growing evidence of Our loving presence, which you are feeling as Light beaming down on and through you as your I AM Presence. Feel it: the stream of Love flows down through your crown chakra, through the center of your brain, the third eye center, your throat chakra and down into your heart center. Anchor it there so that you feel the powerful connection between the center of your brain and the center of your heart. Then let it flow on downward through your lower chakras and into the Earth. Mother Earth will feel your loving energy and will respond in kind.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Harmony - The Balance of Body, Mind, and Spirit

[Would anyone in the Company Heaven like to speak with me today? Please identify yourself. Thank you.”]

“It is I, Sarasvati, who would like to come through you today, as I had indicated to you several days ago I would. It is I who wishes to speak to you today about Harmony.

What is Harmony? Harmony is the vibrational resonance between two or more objects.

Now immediately this Scribe is asking if that means that is not possible to experience harmony within Oneself?

That, and this Scribe knows this, is not, Dear Ones, what we mean at all since, of course, Harmony can be experienced within the Self and that is the subject of our message today.

And as you know, when one of us comes through to bring humanity messages of love, hope and great tydings, we do so from the entire Company of Heaven, so we sometimes use the plural, “We”.

Not only are we One with each other, but we are One with you. And you hear this often from us, do you not? [laughter]. So, as you know, you will often find us speaking in the collective though it is sometimes a singular identifiable entity like myself who steps forth to deliver the message.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When You Trust In Yourself You Trust In God

Messages from the Angels: Miracles happen when you trust


When you trust your heart and trust life, absolute miracles can be accomplished. The impossible suddenly becomes possible. Seemingly daunting tasks flow with grace and ease. In fact, you are designed to express the love of the creator as it flow through you. To the degree you are willing, you can allow this love to take over and create your lives, accomplish your projects and find solutions where you think there are none. With God all things are possible.

So when you embark on an inspired project, whether it be cleaning out a closet, eating healthier, trying new hobbies, taking a class, or staring a new business or relationship, trust that although you may not know how to make things work, God does. Although you might not know the next step, love always does. Although you may not know the exact outcome, you can trust that it will be exactly what your soul needs to learn and grow.

You Are Never Alone With God a Thought Away

Heavenletter #4902: What If We Did Love?

God said:

Speaking through His children, God said:

“These are two beautiful words – God said. God spoke to us. God speaks. God speaks to us. This is a beautiful thing. God has never stopped talking to us.

“God does not even have to speak. The vibration of God’s Being runs through the Universe. His energy upholds us. Nothing else does. If we think that we live by dint of our will, we learn soon enough that we live by the grace of God’s Will.

“It is never for us to think that God abandons us. Whether our bodies have life or death, God does not abandon any of us. He is with us. Do we think that this is a disclaimer that God makes? God, under any and all circumstances, is with us. God makes no disclaimers. God does not dismiss us at all, let alone so easily. God is always by our side. We may not always see this or feel this.”

Mystery Of Life: Our Soul Rose is Infinitely Blooming

Heavenletter #4903: Roses Blossoming in Fullness

God said:

No matter how far along in life you may think you are, you are a beginner. You are a beginner in that you are always growing. There is no end to you, beloveds. You are always beginning. You cannot take a breath and relax thinking that you have become all you are to become. You can take a breath and relax knowing that you will continue to learn and grow and continue to express all that is within you to express.

You can lose tenseness. Tenseness is not required. Learning and growing are. Learning and growing are a natural process and progress. You don’t have to always be thinking of what is natural. What is natural is not a process that you must activate. It is inevitable. You do not need to keep a scorecard. You do not need to rate yourself.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Optimism is the New Excersise for Holistic Wellness

Melchizedek: Learning through Contemplation

When your day is busy and you occasionally face various daily challenges, we know and understand it can be far too easy to become focused on the negative. You may find yourself feeling overworked, under-appreciated, tired and stressed out by all the many conflicting demands on your time and day. What often occurs as a result dear ones, is that negative thoughts and feelings come into your mind. Even though you already know positive thinking is the better alterative for your state of mind, it is also understood that positive thinking is also good for your overall health. Every time you make the motions to improve your thinking and to bring forth more positive thoughts and feelings you are also improving your confidence and mental well-being which will give a marvelous boost to your physical health.

Have you ever contemplated what can you do to get rid of negative thoughts and to replace them with a better and more positive attitude and way of thinking? You don’t have to be a natural-born optimist in order to bring positive changes to the way you think and view life. There are actual things you can do each day that will help to develop positive thinking as a skill that provides many rewarding and healing benefits.

Imperfection is Just an Easier Way of Saying I'm Perfection

Archangel Gabriel: Embracing Emotional Change

When you change how you feel about yourself, you are also changing your confidence and self-esteem. Many of you already understand both of these are based on emotions and feelings not on your self-image. So when you change how you feel emotionally about yourself with higher, uplifting and positive thoughts your self-esteem and confidence also rises. In order to change your emotions it is important for you to comprehend there are two different basic beliefs about the concept of self-image. There is a belief that you hold in one or more areas in your life where you feel you are not good enough. Now this could be tied into your financial status, intelligence, appearance, lack of sexual prowess…low self-image can be obvious in any area of your life. Then there is the second belief and that is your concept of success. Many find changing this belief to be contrary to logical thinking yet it is a necessary must if you are to overcome any insecurity and raise your self-esteem and confidence.

In your mind you have an image of success and where you should be in order to be happy. Your mind has this need to compare an image of perfection and how you see your self-image as it is. Unfortunately when you are busy comparing, judgments and criticisms towards your Self are born. It is when you begin comparing what is needed to be perfect where you begin to reject certain aspects of yourself being already good enough. Self-rejection creates a feeling of unworthiness to be successful, of moving forward or achieving and it greatly affects your self-esteem and confidence levels.

Ad-libing is Part of Life

Heavenletter #4904: Off-Stage

God said:

Know this: An answer will always come. An answer, a solution, is always waiting in the wings. You do not need to know an answer ahead of time. Life is easier for you when you do grasp that an answer will always come to you, dawn on you, or arrive even when you are not looking.

Does a response have to be the one you desire? Of course not. Yet, if you could see all the unweaving, you would stop fussing, for goodness and mercy do follow you all the days of your lives, even when you are sure you have been knocked about.

Remember: You Are Always Loved and Always Will Be

Turn Towards The Light Which Will Never Reject You

All are One. You all know that, you accept it as a basic fact or concept, and then you dismiss it from your minds as you go about your daily affairs. But you need to make it a part of yourselves, an aspect of yourselves that you carry in your conscious awareness at all times, otherwise it remains as meaningless to you as any field of study of which you have only vague knowledge and that holds no interest for you; an idea that is unimportant and is therefore readily dismissed and forgotten.

The fact that all are One is an aspect of Reality that you cannot afford to dismiss off-handedly, and as of no interest, while you go about your daily routines. Awareness of it needs to be an important and distinctive characteristic of your personal field of sentient consciousness. If you shut it out of your awareness then you are putting yourselves on auto-pilot, allowing your egos to rule your attitudes and behaviors, as the real You, the eternal part that is One with Source takes a nap. Then later, maybe, it becomes apparent that something strange has happened and you find yourself struggling with issues and conflicts that are quite disturbing, and wondering what could have caused them.

Monday, April 21, 2014

You Hold The Power


Your beliefs are so powerful! You know this to be true. You have had many experiences where you have turned the impossible into the possible simply by believing. You also know that the many times you have been told something by a person with authority, someone that has trained knowledge that you can’t do something, you will believe it, even if the words told are not entirely accurate. And your power of belief is so powerful that once you believe something, you begin behaving and responding as if the prediction or the words are actual truth, therefore manifesting the results to actually happen. Depending on what is being told to you, can encourage you, boost your confidence or erode your confidence and discourage you.

If negative beliefs can cause a disempowerment to your confidence, just imagine how empowering and powerful positive beliefs are. If you believe heart and soul that you can do something, reach a certain goal, dream or accomplishment, you will find a way to make this reach possible. A lot of great things got accomplished around the world throughout your history because those people believed they could; there was no impossible, even though many may have opposed the concept of putting a man on the moon, or thought it was impossible to overthrow the British that once sat comfortably in India. Impossible wasn’t in their thoughts, they believed anything and all is possible and forged ahead with a fire burning in their hearts.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ciitzens of the World Do Not Need Governing

You Are a Citizen of the World
Heavenletter #4869, March 25, 2014

God said: 

The way for you to make the world the way you want it to be is for you to be as you want the world to be. How do you want the world to be?

You know what you don’t want. You don’t want to be bossed around. You do not want to be overridden with rules and regulations and instructions intended to improve you. You want to be treated like a human being with all the rights and privileges.

Governments and agencies and such who seem to make all the rules and regulations that you object to are also human beings. And, you, as a human being, you really don’t want authority over you. As a citizen you want to count. You want to be more than a number. You want to have a say. You want to be heard.

The management of the world is made up of human beings, and human beings have taken sides and fallen into two camps or more and have become you and they.

Being Confident Equates Staying True to Yourself

Confidently Being
Before we really get this week’s message underway, we ask you to think of your own confidence level. Do you consider yourself overconfident, do you often times wish you had more confidence? As you question yourself regarding your own self-confidence the answers that will arise will provide you with sobering answers and possibly with new directions.

Your ability to demonstrate self-confidence can be viewed by your capability to make decisions, your ability and willingness to try new things, and when life gets a little difficult you are able to manage your emotions. Dear souls that demonstrate a healthy level of self-confidence lives their life filled with passion and verve. Trust is easily given to such individuals which in turn benefits them with self-empowerment to build even more confidence.

Unfortunately it is not always easy to create a cycle of consistent healthy self-confidence is it? How to begin building your own cycle of consistent healthy self-confidence begins with you looking into your ways and how effective you think you are when it’s time to perform certain tasks or to complete certain goals. Self-efficacy has a key role in influencing your basic levels of confidence.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Your Heart is Your Garden, Only You Can Take Care of It - Heavenletter #4861

The Path in Front of You

Heavenletter #4861, March 17, 2014

God said: 

How many times do you have to have your heart broken before you learn to be more accepting? When someone you care about leaves, what is so enormous that your heart is broken? You break your own heart. No one else does. Regardless of whether someone stays right with you or leaves, everyone’s heart has a mind of its own. Someone’s eyes light up when he sees you or thinks of you, and then his eyes no longer light up. He may mourn the passing of his affection as well as you.

Attachment seems natural in the world, even rightful. A wife whose husband’s affection to her has gone may respond: “He has no right,” and her refrain may be, “How could he? How could he?” And blame is cast.

Be careful about judging another. Better you continue loving. Loving does not -- absolutely does not -- signify attachment. Love is freeing. If you love, you can love from anywhere. And you can love the one you love whether you are together or not. Remember, I am saying love, not attachment. Attachment, sooner or later, you’ve got to let go of it. You have to let the one you are attached to go free. You keep loving, yet you undo the heart strings of yours that would bind him to you. Take no prisoners, beloveds.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Be Optimistic, Don't Ya Be a Grumpy

Stay Optimistic

Things will get better from here, it is important for you to focus on the positive and the good in your life and to keep your spirits high and focused and you will find the answers that you seek. You purpose in all of this is to expand your view point and see the gift from the experience so that you can move on to something more meaningful for yourself and your life. Seek out other possibilities and know that something more grand awaits you.

You can manifest the life you want. Do a forgiving and compassionate review so that when you start this next stage in your life, it is more in keeping with what you desire to create and it part of your grander purpose for doing a human journey. Look for the magic in life and also be aware of your own emotions and feelings and what is best and right for you. Sometimes this can mean walking away from what has been so that you can start anew surrounded by harmonious relationships with those you love and support.

Be brave dear ones, for you are truly on a path of expansion. Shed the old and outdated so that you can experience the love and blessings that life has to offer.

Affirmation: “I experience the magic in my life. I have the power to create the life I desire. Love and blessings fill my life in wondrous and harmonious ways.”

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides

Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.



Embrace Forgiveness for Everyone Every Moment You Can

Forgive Everyone
“Forgiveness is something that all of you would do well to embrace. Forgiveness means letting go of judgment, plain and simple. You can forgive yourselves, you can forgive others, you can forgive your governments, you can forgive the mass murderers, the genocidal leaders. You can forgive them all because doing so frees you from holding on to the weight of their judgment.

If you look at it as though every single individual, including yourself, that you judge you place in a type of prison cell and then you realize that you are carrying those prisoners in those prison cells around with you, you can see just how important it is to release your prisoners, release your judgments, release the burden of having to hold the higher moral ground, or of having to be perfect, or having to be only offering love and light all the time, because none of you have done this. So you might as well let go of that need for anyone else, including yourselves, to be a perfect moral example of what a human being can and should be.

Take Time to Re-Discover Your True Unique Self

Adapt ~ Change ~ Evolve
March 14, 2014

Just about every dear soul lacks a certain amount of awareness at no fault of their own about who they are. And this lack of awareness is not about who you are on the outside, but who you are on the inside…at the core level where all your conditioning, ego and defences are.

Thankfully, each of you has the ability to adapt, to change and to evolve and that you are doing each day. You go through life playing a game with your true self, something like a hide and seek, some days you find it, other days it seems elusive. Your own behaviours have become adapted for many reasons depending on what you have been exposed to from certain situations and experiences.

Being adaptable is an important life skill. Your ability to survive and evolve depends on your ability to adapt to new situations and outcomes…to rise from your falls and to continue pushing ahead. If you look at businesses, if they aren’t able to adapt to the economy and to the supply and demand of the customers then they eventually go broke and close up shop. The same principal dear ones can be applied to your relationships. Even the simplest act of putting on warmer boots when the weather indicates a drop in temperature is your demonstration of being adaptable. As you can see dear ones, being adaptable serves you in many good and positive ways.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Life is about Strolling in the Park, Not Struggling. A Time Will Come - Heavenletter #4856

Heavenletter #4856 A Time Will Come, March 12, 2014

God said: 

What does it mean that life is not all about you? Certainly, you are the one living this particular life. There will come a time when your life does not seem so pivotal. You will naturally come from a less attached place. You will not erase yourself, not at all, yet what seems so vital to you today won’t be so momentous.

The day will come when all of life will be more like the lottery. If you don’t win the lottery this week, it could be next week. You would love to win the lottery, yet you are not so attached to it. It’s not that you see your life as hum-drum, nor do you see your life as of no account. Your life just won’t dominate so much. It will not be all so prepossessing. It will be more like background, more like scenery. You yourself will be more of the foreground which comes down to your life being less about you. You won’t feel the need to prance any more. You will just take it easy.

You won’t have the perceived need for excitation in your life. Even when all is not wonderful, all will be well. You won’t be trembling so much. You will be more yourself. You won’t be jumping up and down so much. You won’t be rocked so much. You will be more on an even keel. You are forever, yet life comes and goes, and you are constant. You will take the high’s and low’s of the world as, well, just life. Nothing will shake the apple tree of yourself so much or even at all. It will be more like your taking a walk through the park. You always come out the gate of the park. What can upset your applecart?

You who entered the park are the same person who comes out, only now you have walked through the park. It was a walk in the park. That’s what life is.

You have a more steadying influence on yourself. You are not looking so much to jump up and down. It is like you sit more with your feet up. What happens in life is more or less the same to you. Hey, what’s the big deal? You always do come out the door you came in.

You worry not ahead about the future nor do you keep cogitating about the past. It’s all the same, just that you are walking in one direction or another. You raise one foot and then another. This is what life seems like to you. You neither run up the stairs nor fall down them. Whatever goes on around you simply goes on around you. It’s not exactly that you are far far away, yet you definitely aren’t so close to every instant as once you were. You don’t look at life as the way you used to. Now you wonder what it was that had such an impact on you.

It’s not exactly like getting out of the rain. It’s just that rain or snow or the summer sun don’t carry the significance they used to.

You still go to sleep at night, and you still wake up in the morning. You are not so consumed by a day in your life as once you were. You’re not frivolous about it. You are not scatter-brained. Life just doesn’t become so urgent. You don’t knock life down, nor do you carry it around with you so much. Life comes and goes, and you don’t mind about it so much. Life goes on every moment, yet you don’t go on about it as you once did. It is not exactly that you take it or leave it. You just don’t make it such a big deal. You are not blasé, nor are you overwhelmed. And that’s a good thing, isn’t it?


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

God Spinning Us Out of Our Comfort Zone is for One Reason Only, Peace

Heavenletter #4855 Spun by God through the Universe, March 11, 2014

God said: 

Sometimes sorrow overcomes you. Sometimes the sorrow you feel comes from the past, and sometimes it comes from you know not where, seemingly as if out of the blue. And, of course, it can come from a recent what you call loss, or a recent realization of the passage of time in the form of your life. At these times, you do not even know what life is or is supposed to be. At these times, you also may come to see that life is truly fiction.

You want to hold onto life in a world that cannot stay still. You may feel abandoned. Letting go is not abandoning. Sometimes, however, you may abandon your joy in life. You don’t even know what exists, or you simply do not believe in life anymore. You are inclined to see this as loss, perhaps the greatest loss of all.

Heretofore, all of your life, you have been involved in your life, such a believer in it, and now you may be feeling disconnected from it. Relative life no longer has its tentacles digging so deeply into you. Instead of feeling freed, you may feel bereft, lost to yourself. It is possible that you have moved up to a higher state of consciousness, and you are having a hard time getting the hang of it. Once you were in one country. Now you are in another, and you don’t know how you got there.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Infinity of God’s Love, Heavenletter #4853

The Infinity of God’s Love
Heavenletter #4853, March 9, 2014

God said: 

My love for you is constant. My love for you is indelible. I do not cast you aside. Your life on Earth may seem to rise and fall, My love for you never. My love for you is established.

I love. I do not withdraw My love from you or anyone. Let go of the idea of punishment. Let go of the idea that I love you one minute and not the next. I do not withhold My love from you. My love is for you. I am not hit or miss with My love. I am not a God of Judgment. I am a God of Love. I do not put on a show of love. I love. I accept you no matter what you think of yourself.

The more I accept you as you are, the more you want to be worthy of My love, the more you want to give of yourself to Me. I accept your love in the same way as I give. You do not have to prove your love to Me.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Love Yourself Enough to Manifest the Dreams of What You Want Through Creation Not Skill or Hard Work

Love Yourself Enough to Play With Creation

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are pining for a certain something or someone. You have stated your intent to yourself and others – and accepted that you have the right to create what you want. Yet nothing changes or happens. Why are you the only one who does not seem to know how to create? What are you missing? What is holding you back or down?

Nothing other than your fears. That statement makes many of you quite angry for you have cleared for seemingly eons. Such is not the case, but we regress.

Deep within your being, you have the belief that if you receive what you truly want there will be nothing to work for. And ‘work for’ is the correct phrase for you continue to think of creating as work instead of play.

When you were a child did you not decide to be a fireman one day and a ballerina the next – and wasn’t a cowboy in there somewhere? You did not fret about whether you deserved to have what you wanted. Nor did you worry about not having the right skills or living in the right part of the world. You merely wished for and most often created that dream from cast off clothing or just your imagination. All was play and all was erased the moment you had a new dream or thought.

God Explains Why Cause & Effect is a Myth

The Myth of Cause and Effect
Heavenletter #4852 , March 8, 2014

God said: 

You can believe anything. You can believe that your Earth father’s vicissitudes can be visited upon you, or you can believe that you are born anew each day.

You can believe in retribution and punishment, or you can believe in love and all kinds of wonderful evidence of it. You can believe in a God of punishment or in a God of Love or shades in between.

You can believe in Infinity and Eternity. You can believe in the past vehemently, and you can believe in the future always held out just beyond your reach.

You can believe in goodness and mercy. You can believe in payback for all the good you do. You can dis-believe in being tripped up for your ignorance in the past, far past, past-life past and the past of yesterday.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Underestimating A Blessing - A Walking Blessing, Heavenletter #4851

A Walking Blessing
Heavenletter #4851, March 7, 2014

God said: 

Understand that you are the one for Me. I chose you, and I continue to choose you. You are My choice. I choose you for something, not for nothing. You are good use of My time. We serve each other. As I fill a need for you, I fulfill Myself. As you fill a need for Me, you fulfill Me – and yourself. Now, it’s a little tricky to say that you fulfill Me, for I am never in the slightest unfulfilled. Nevertheless, as I serve you, I am served. It is a kind of completion that I speak of. Something is accomplished. Something great is accomplished as We exchange our gifts.

You may not yet have a clue as to what your gifts are. That’s all right. There is nothing that says you have to know. You can know, across the board, that you grant Me something useful and wonderful. You grant Me even as you allow Me to grant you. You know how wonderful acceptance feels, so, then, accept all the gifts I give you. All My gifts lead you to further acceptance of your very Self.

Learning to accept is a great thing. Accepting is saying Yes. How I love to hear you say Yes. When you go to the bank and take out a good sum of money, the whole world feels enriched. Feel the electricity of this. And when you accept wealth enough, then you gladly give it, for you know no parting. That which you give becomes more yours because you do not have to have it in your possession.

Are You Open? - Where Will Your Thughts Take You? Heavenletter #4850

Where Will Your Thoughts Take You?
Heavenletter #4850, March 6, 2014

God said: 

Look for harmony, and say Yes to it. When you find yourself drawn in a direction, give it a whirl. Until you do, you don’t know to what heights a direction can take you.

You may not know how or why a certain direction occurs to you, yet, go ahead and follow it. Don’t analyze it. All you need to know is that you have the thought to go somewhere. It could be you suddenly have a thought of someone from long ago. Well, get in touch with that person. You don’t have to know why.

So many of My children keep looking for signs from Me while signs are cast before them right and left. I am not directing you or anyone to spend your lifetime looking for signs, yet, when you find yourself drawn a certain way, by all means, see where it takes you.

Perhaps you have an out-of-way thought to play the guitar. Maybe you used to strum a little, or maybe you never have. It doesn’t matter. This doesn’t mean you are to run out and buy a guitar and become an overnight lead guitarist. What it means is to maybe look up guitars on the internet or stop at a music store and see where you go from there. The point is that you don’t immediately react: “Naw,” and close the thought down.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Heart-ful Giving is Needed Just like the Air We Breath

Heart-ful Giving

Being able to give to another unconditionally is one of the greatest sources of joy and deep inner satisfaction that each dear soul can come to know. Have you ever considered even once, why there is such a connection of your happiness and of your willingness to help and to contribute to your fellow brothers and sisters?

Deep inside each of you is this truth, that you are meant to share and to give to others and each time you share unconditionally and each time you serve mankind it feels good and this good feelings spreads a warmth throughout your entire body. You will not meet many volunteers in your community who are not happy and joyful and they are happy serving others, doing good for others for no wage or salary. We have observed that many volunteers live a happier life than those that are being paid for the same thing.

Each of you can achieve this inner good feeling no matter what work you are doing when you stop asking what is in it for you. Instead of looking at your work with selfish thoughts and feelings, look at what you are doing with a positive mind-set, see the good you are doing and how your good work is benefiting others as a result. Seeing the joy in the faces of those you are applying your effort for is a by-product of you giving from your heart, a giving that comes from love.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Make This Year The Positive Change You Want In Yourself and The World

Entourage of Light Beings: 2014 You Must Become the Change you want to see in your World

This New Year brings us opportunities for dynamic change to take place. Change is happening on a grander scale than ever before, however this time it is the lightworker who can make the difference in what the final outcome will be. You are now planting the seeds that will be the beginning of the next cycle so choose wisely for yourselves and those that follow. All points have been leading up to these changes that will be taking place over the next 3 years and so learn what you can from the past, release and expect things to be different and they will.

Review the motives of those in your power positions. One of the great uses of expanding your senses is to know when the one who is speaking is standing in integrity or just blowing wind. As more of you learn to trust yourselves and your natural senses you will know what is true and what is right. Until enough of you awaken and effect change by becoming that change, it will carry on business as usually by those who have the most control. Apathy can often be the greatest weapon you use against yourselves.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Don't Bully People to See Your Point of View, God Doesn't

You Can Only See What You Do See

Heavenletters #4786   
Published on: January 1, 2014

God said:

There are so many opinions of Me and how I run the world and how I should be running the world. Didn’t someone say that “you can’t please all of the people all of the time?”

And that’s all right. No one has to be in perfect agreement with Me all of the time either! In fact, until you open your eyes and your mind wide, you can’t possibly. Dear Ones, you may well not understand what I am about and what I am talking about. Therefore, how can you know what you are talking about? Coming from bits and pieces, you see only bits and pieces. It is inevitable that with one eye closed, you do not see everything. You can only see that which you do see.

It would be well for you to refrain from giving the impression that you do know it all and that you are the final word on any subject, most certainly on the subject of God. There are many paths to Me. What is your path today is not the only path available. And what is your path today may well not be your path tomorrow. Does it have to be? Also you can consider that there is no path to Me. There is only love in your heart, and I am that love. You already have what you may quibble about.

Letting Go - Release What Doesn't Support You

Release what doesn’t serve you

It is time to let go and release the events and people from your past and present that doesn’t support or serve your growth. It is not always easy to release thoughts and feelings from situations that didn’t turn out how you had planned, so that you can be free to move on to something more meaningful for yourself and your growth. The end of a phase or situation means that you are ready for some new beginnings and you are and it is time to move on.

Fear not, for you are a powerful lightworker who has the spiritual power to turn anything into a loving alternative for yourself and others. It is safe and time for you to step into that power and to use your ingenuity and originality to help with some exciting new endeavours and activities that match your spiritual and personal growth. As you keep the balance in your emotional and physical worlds, you will find that you are falling back in love with life once again.

Affirmation: “I am now ready to release what no longer serves my personal or spiritual growth so that I can move on to something more exciting and meaningful for myself and my world.”

And so it is

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Channeled by Sharon Taphorn

Friday, January 3, 2014


Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji
Universal Copyright ©2014 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.



The Truth about Sincerity. Is Yours Genuine or Hypocritical?

Evoking Genuine Sincerity In Others
Do you know dear ones when you are coming across with genuine and sincere intentions you are being received and understood as to being truthful in your words and actions? A dear soul that truly means what they say is a genuinely sincere dear soul – a person that does not mean what they say, well they are not very sincere and many cases end up becoming hypocrites. Understand dear ones the purity of the word sincerity and its meaning is encouraged to be used by every dear soul in every situation as often as possible. The most sincere of people are also the ones that are most loved and appreciated. Doesn’t it feel good dear ones to be known as someone who is genuine and sincere?

Comprehend dear ones each part of your being; your mind, your emotions, etc., are all created to be an independent part of you and for the most part you are not meant to be influenced by the development of any other part. Just think of the results if you could bring together different parts of your personality, then every other part would be raised to level of that growth. You are already calm and collected if you are able to maintain your emotions to a rational and courteous manner. Your sincerity becomes partial only if allow certain external behaviours to filter in and bring limitation to your mind and ways of being.

Accepting Responsibility Requires Conscious Awareness of the Influence of Your Actions

Accepting  Responsibility
It gives me great pleasure beautiful Sons and Daughters of God to speak to all of you through this chosen vessel here today. Let us begin by giving thanks to the gift of a new day God has bestowed upon each of you, a new day to grow, a new day to develop and to learn from the endless opportunities presented to you.

We ask you to think what it means to be responsible. For you to be responsible, what does this include? It is vital for each of you to comprehend that responsibility is a virtue that is becoming less noticed as more and more lovely souls are seeking in a rush to be this or to be that, or to replace what is convenient over responsibility. We really encourage you to think hard, honestly and truthfully what areas in your life require you to be more responsible. As it is understood that the world you live in is a reflection of you. Therefore if you are seeing other lovely souls acting in an irresponsible way, what does this indicate about yourself?

When you are responsible in all ways, you are demonstrating you are also very much aware and mindful of not only yourself but of those around you regardless of the distance. The true virtue of responsibility is also a moral quality that is used to stand alongside God’s Word. There are many dear and lovely souls that make a point to do good things but they don’t necessarily stand alongside the true nature of God’s Word. It is essential My Lovely Ones to understand your good deed is merely an action derived from a compassionate impulse that doesn’t always include any real heart-felt decision. When you are able to be unconditionally loving with your giving, then your action of doing a good deed becomes an action of God working through you.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How to Determine Whether You are An Active, Passive, or Open Participant to Self-Development

Living Within Timelessness and Stillness
What is time really dear ones, besides an open space for your evolution and hope that often feels tight because of all the demands within your daily life. Think of a time when you have been waiting anxiously for a certain letter, or special phone call and nothing comes and no one calls, but as soon as you stop waiting and move on, that phone call or letter finally comes. Being in a state of rush or hurrying provides many frustrated feelings and through your rushed state, more mistakes are likely to occur, and in many times your need to rush will slow you down because you have to go back and try to correct and make right whatever went wrong. When you apply focus and take your time there is no waste of energy, there are no frustrations that come because you are not rushing. You are taking appropriate preventive measures when necessary; you are being aware and mindful instead.

Understand dear ones time is both your limitation and your opportunity. Time within space functions as a powerful but hidden gate that will limit your reality so that you can actualize one thing at a time and place. It is very difficult to do two different things at the same time as your attention is divided, therefore dear ones you must choose which task you will complete first before you move on to the next one.