Genuine Sincerity Encourages Genuine Respect
Make a conscious point to truthfully and honestly look at
your own attitudes and behaviours not only what you demonstrate towards others
but what you also give to yourself, then you will soon realize there are many
questions that come forward pertaining to your personal life and spiritual
journey. Who is it that you respect and why? Do you share your respect with
everyone or just a select few? Can you determine during each interaction you
have that you are coming across compassionate, respectful and loving? Do you respect
your Inner Self? If you demonstrate any indifference towards anyone, why? We
could continue with examples of questions you can ask yourself, but you can
understand that every avenue you take does pose the opportunity to think if you
are being respectful to those that you meet and greet and to yourself. In
addition, being aware of your attitude and behaviour offers you great insight
on what is needed to bring more positive Light into your behaviour.
The energy you emit is your responsibility. When you
choose to respond to another dear soul that demonstrates respect and compassion
you are emitting positive energy that is healing, yet when you demonstrate
disrespect towards another dear soul, including yourself you are emitting
negative energy and negative energy is harmful. If you want to achieve a more
peaceful existence then it’s vital that you learn how to change the negative
aspects of your person that reflects more positive Light into all you do and
comes through during each encounter you have with another dear soul.
The functioning aspect of respect upon your journey has
many significant consequences on your path. When you become aware of your
behaviour towards another dear soul reflected your own negative emotions and
feelings, what occurs is your conscience taking over, questioning you if you
said or did the right thing. The more disrespectful you are towards another
dear soul, either through your words or actions, even from the thoughts you are
thinking moves you further away from the Heart of God.
Working towards love and recognizing love is within your
reach can be very difficult for many dear souls, especially those that have
walked a difficult journey. Yet the more you respect yourself and others, the
more love you will feel. Even if you are uncertain about a certain path or
conflict with another dear soul, when you are illustrating genuine sincerity
and respect you are propelling yourself forward through the energy of love.
Remember dear ones, love isn’t just about emotional words that are expressed
between partners, love is best expressed by your actions towards others and
when you are able to love yourself for who you are just as you are, then it is
love that is felt and love that directs you.
When you purposely practice on being more respectful
towards any attachments you may carry, or on your own self-image; or you
demonstrate respect when faced with indignation you are shining a beautiful
light that denotes love coming through in all your actions, thoughts, words and
feelings. Disciplining yourself to become more respectful will liberate you; it
will heal you through the love you are able to share with yourself that will
automatically be shared and felt by others.
Before you can truly respect others, first you must be
able to accept yourself as you are and respect every part of you. Learn why you
carry destructive emotions and feelings and how you can change them into being
more constructive in order to heal yourself and raise your level of self-worth.
In order for you to grow and develop a healthy respect for yourself and those
that you interact with, it is essential for you to explore honestly your inner
self and truly see how harmful your own self-disrespect has been. By observing
your own lack of respect you will learn what is required to develop a
respectful attitude. When you consciously add respect into your personal and
spiritual routines, your path will lead you into love and humbleness.
Eventually dear ones you will realize that there is one feature that is worthy
of your infinite respect that is given to yourself and to all others and that
dear ones is the Light God bestows upon each of you.
There have been times when someone has asked a favour of
you, or needed your help; remembering to commit yourself to fulfilling what was
asked of you will help shine your Light in a positive manner that will
encourage a mutual feeling of respect. It is too easy to create excuses in
order to not follow through with what you agreed to, but by sticking to your
word you are establishing trust between you and this person and trust is what
will strengthen any relationship and bring forth respect. Understand dear ones,
when you fall through from a commitment not only do you damage their trust in
you, this also carries detrimental effects to your confidence and can easily
create isolation within your Egoic mind. Clear your conscience by committing to
your word and following through with your actions that clearly demonstrate
respect, compassion and genuine sincerity.
It is essential to your own inner learning regarding the
negative effects of breaking your word has on your personal growth and
spiritual development. How people think of you, how they consider if they trust
you or find you credible is important. No matter how hard you to try to make
yourself believe that what others think is unimportant, if they are basing
their thoughts on what they see from your own actions and words, then this is
essential and vital information for you to grow on for the better.
Integrity dear ones is not a dirty word, nor is it filled
with negativity or discord, but it does speak of wholeness. When you are moving
towards becoming more united with others, you are speaking in great volumes
that you trust yourself and others and you are good at keeping your word every
time not just when it pleases you or to reap some kind of materialistic reward.
When you apply yourself honestly and with integrity you consciously divert
yourself from the temptations that could have the potential of breaking your
word, you will notice the good feeling that will rise from within and you will
have a deep knowing that you did something good for another through your
selfless actions.
Of course there are some situations that will come up
that are real that will cause you to not keep your word, such as a family
emergency, but this does not mean you no longer have to follow through what you
originally promised. This is when you come forward honestly and truthfully
explaining why at that moment you cannot fulfill any task asked of you and make
arrangements that you will commit to at a later date. Don’t allow any
unfulfilled commitment to create a shadowy trail upon your path. You can easily
prevent this from occurring by maintaining your integrity and genuineness to
selflessly care and love yourself and those around you during strenuous events
and situations.
Prayer and meditation are great ways to rebalance
yourself and to find peace that is necessary for your journey to flourish.
Aspire to become more respectful and to demonstrate a more positive attitude
towards yourself and those you encounter. Your journey is not meant to have you
blocked within the shadows you have created by disrespect you have shown
towards others or from unfulfilling any commitment you promised to another. The
quicker you can free your conscience the quicker you realign yourself to God.
If you let God in dear ones, He will guide you to ways that will weed out any
negative emotion or feeling that causes you to behave and react that is hurtful
and disrespectful. He will bring you back onto the path of Love through the
Light He shines upon you. Trust in Him dear ones, He will never let you down or
abandon you. He will always support you, but you must let Him instead of
opposing Him. Remember dear ones, God Loves you.
As you carry on manoeuvering on the path before you,
answer to yourself, how important is integrity to you. Discover how integrity
can improve the quality of your life as a whole. If you lack integrity, then
what are you and how does this affect your life? How can you honestly and
truthfully respect yourself if you are unable to commit to your word? All are
viable questions and we are positive you can create more that will help you
discover crucial information of yourself that will help you grow and develop
under the Light of God. Understand dear ones; it is your own ability to respect
yourself that dictates how you think of yourself. And when you are able to
seriously respect yourself you are then able to respect others. When you step
forward with integrity, not only will you feel worthy of respect you are worthy
of respect.
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller
Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ November 03 – 10, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
November 03, 2013
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