Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Where Lies the Kingdom of Heaven? - Heavenletter #4747

Where lies Kingdom of Heaven?

Heavenletter #4747
November 23, 2013

God said: 

How lovely are the hearts that beat on Earth. From My vision, even as I understand your bewilderment and heartaches, all is more than well. All is beautiful. My vision is true, and your vision is stuck. You come from certain premises. From your premises, your vision is true, except your premises, your positions, your patterns of thought are incorrect. Your premises seem obvious to you, yet you are looking at a façade rather than a foundation. The basis you come from seems obvious. This basis holds you up, however, only so long as you have it. If the premises you come from were true, then a baobab tree would bear apples.

From where I sit, from My long view, from My solid awareness of Eternity and Infinity, where can heartache and sorrow exist? Oh, yes, they seem real to you even as they are not real. Only through a keyhole do you see all the matters that trouble you in the land of Earth.

It is possible for you to see from a different angle, only you struggle with that. You can only see so far as you can see. You can desire to see bigger, yet you see as you see. To you, My Children in the world, it’s like you are in New York at the Empire State Building. You read the signs. That’s where you are. You can’t fake that you are in Los Angeles, for you are clearly in New York. You see yourself in the world as on the edge of a precipice, and you hear Me tell you: “Oh, no, you’re really in Heaven.”

What Being a Servant of God Truly Means - You are Stars God has Sent to Earth - Heavenletter #4746

You are Stars God Has Sent to Earth
Heavenletter #4746
November 22, 2013

God said: 

Serve Me. Serve All. As you serve Me, you serve All. As you serve All, you serve Me.

Don’t be timid about it. Be bold about it.

Serve others, and you serve yourself.

Do not feel that you have anything to make up to others. You are not atoning. If you atone, you are atoning for yourself.

Give good service to All. This means service with a smile. You serve without being a servant. Do you see the difference?

You are one who also serves. You are a service-giver. And if you wash dishes and scrub floors, you are the best dishwasher and floorwasher you can be. If you are an accountant, you give your best to it. If you are a programmer, you give your all. You do not cut corners. You do not do the least. To serve doesn’t mean to just go through motions. It means to give because you give.

Under the Canopy of God's Heart - Heavenletter #4745

Under the Canopy of God’s Heart

Heavenletter #4745
November 21, 2013 

God said:

You, My children, tend to think in terms of gain and loss and, so, in terms of cost and percent. You expend energy, and the energy you expend is expensive, and so you think in terms of expense. At the same time as you run all over the place and gain muscle, shall We say, you also sit on the sidelines and watch the goings-on as through a window.

In one sense, there is free entry to this theater of life. In another sense, you are let in and out of Earth and Heaven free, yet it seems to you that you have to pay a high rate for parking, as if you were a car in a garage, driven in and out from inside and outside at will. Sometimes you don’t know where you are or whether you are in or out. You stumble and you stride alike, embarrassed, sort of as if you don’t belong anywhere and never did.

Despite your impressions, you are full-time with Me, and I with you. You are under the canopy of My heart. Our hearts beat as One. And, so, holy are you who seemingly walk around on Earth, worrying about this and that, when there is no need to get caught up in worry.

“No need?!!” you exclaim. “I have bills to pay and children to feed!”

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Self-Doubt is Your Ego Taking The Lead - Give Yourself the Love You Deserve

Give Yourself the Love You Deserve

Doubt has a way of creeping into your head just when you are about to step forward doing a task that requires a certain amount of effort and focus, and the words you may hear, “You can’t do it” is heard. The fear of failing what you are working hard to complete begins to eat away at your confidence and faith in your own abilities. Taunting words always seem to arrive out of nowhere, creating a lot of havoc within your mental and emotional faculties. No matter what your goal is, when these taunting words come, they get stronger and more controlling and before you know it you begin to think critically of your own efforts and potential of not completing a certain task. Beautiful Ones, you really do know you mustn’t allow these self-doubt lingering and sabotaging thoughts to bother you as much as they do. You have many barriers in place to protect yourself, yet still self-doubt is able to wiggle its way in.

Remember where your doubt comes from, it is part of the Ego, it the part that uses your fears against you, trying to control the situation and to prevent you from moving forward successfully. When self-doubt gets a good hold on you, it can be very greedy. It tackles your confidence, removes good logic and your ability to reason. Before you know it the greedy self-doubt has replaced your happiness with fear and the overwhelming feeling of insecurity.

Overcoming self-doubt can be quite a challenge. We know Beautiful Ones you try forcing self-doubt out with positive thoughts and they seem to work on the surface, but underneath self-doubt is still there lying in wait. It is a hard fight against your self-doubt and many times it leaves you weakened and you give in to its hungry pull. There is a way out, there always is. By attaining more self-knowledge and deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you, you begin to shrink self-doubt and take back the power it took from you and your confidence and faith in yourself begins to rise to healthy levels once again. Learn to use self-doubt for your own advantage.

True Love Does Not Come From Romantic Relationships, It Comes From Within

Embrace Your Own Affection and Appreciation

Above all decisions you will make in your life Beautiful Ones the most important one will be when you finally decide to commit to loving yourself and to accepting yourself just as you are. How you think of yourself does affect all relationships, affects the quality of your work, your Faith and of course your future. The more positive and loving you are towards yourself, everything else benefits. The question is Beautiful Ones, why is this so difficult for many to do?

So much of you journey thus far has been waiting for love to come to you – many are out searching and feeling empty without this sacredness that is already within you. There are many romanticized concepts regarding love, but many of them refrain from mentioning one important aspect of love and that my dears is having self-respect. Being able to respect yourself is the only definable way to develop love in your own life and with others. We know many dear souls create fantasies out of the feelings they have towards another and many times these fantasies do not fulfill their need to be loved and they end up feeling worse because of the expectations that have been added to the experience. Understand dear ones in order to be loved, it is essential to truly love and respect yourself equally as much as you do others. Make a point to consciously understand the short term and long term effects of loving yourself and this positive change will enhance your ability to love others. By taking positive loving action, you will enable positive and loving energy to enter your life stream that will help to create greater situations to occur. Have faith in the process of learning to love yourself. You have spent so long denying your true self, you have gone out of your way avoiding your own truth and that truth Beautiful Ones is that you are worthy of your own love and respect. By allowing yourself to accept your own love and respect you begin to grow beyond any previous conceived imagination. Understand dear ones, your journey is never for nothing, you have a purpose. The more you learn to love and respect yourself; your purpose becomes that much clearer. End the need to please everyone just so they like you, begin working on liking yourself and bringing that like into Love and Respect.

Status Is Not Recognized in Heaven, We All are Rays of Light - Heavenletters # 4729

Rays of God’s Light
Heavenletter #4729
November 5, 2013

God said: 

Consider that, in life, you are on a cruise. The cruise ship stops at certain ports of call, and you look around and enjoy, return to the ship and stop somewhere else and so on until the ship takes you back right to where you started from. This is Home, and this is Heaven.

For a while, you explore the world, and you discover whatever you discover, return Home, and then take another cruise. No cruise is like any other. Even the same people on the same cruise experience their travels differently. Pretty much everyone enjoys his tour tremendously, and yet has plenty of complaints and sometimes wishes he had never left Home in the first place. And, so, on the tour, you pretty much alternate between joy and plaints, as if they were rungs of a ladder you are climbing. Perhaps you are climbing a ladder, for each rung lifts you higher.

Some climb fast, some climb slowly. Nevertheless, in every single case, everyone climbs. Everyone finishes his tour at the same stop, and yet everyone has grown since he first stepped on board this great ship of life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

You are All Soul, So Live and Trust in Your Soul, Not Your Body - In God You Trust - Heavenletter

In God You Trust

Heavenletter #4727
November 3, 2013

God said: 

There is the expression – a leap of faith. Faith is not a leap. Faith is faith, or it is not. I do not say that I have a leap of faith in you. I know you better than you know yourself, so My faith in you is intact. As sure as, in the world, as day follows night, My faith in you is. It is no leap. It is no little jump. What you might call faith is My knowing. I know Who you are, Why you are. I know you ARE.

It is not an exaggeration to say that, if you fall, I catch you. You do not know how many times I have caught you before a fall. On the other hand, from your observation post, you do see people who, to your eyes, are not caught in advance. They do fall. Events such as death of the body, considered the worst of all, happens and other such sorties as illness, accidents, mishaps, happens. How can it be said that God always catches you when, at any moment, anything can befall. There are occasions such as tsunamis and tornadoes or a car skids.

The Best Medicine When Your Feelings Are Hurt - Heavenletter #4737

When Your Feelings Are Hurt
Heavenletter #4737  
November 13, 2013

God said: 

What if you accepted everything that came to you as what is supposed to come? What if you did not have to fight it? What if you did not have to push it away? Even when it was something you didn’t like, what if you didn’t have to make anything of it? What if you did not have to fume about it or ache about it? What if whatever happens happens, and that’s all there is to it? What if you do not have to berate anyone for what you didn’t want, not anyone including yourself?

This is what is meant by taking life as it comes. You simply don’t make a big to-do about it. You don’t have to go into it. It happened. You don’t have to defend yourself. You do not have to set someone else straight.

Whatever happens that you don’t like, what if you would consider it like rain? When you are caught in the rain, you keep going. You pull out an umbrella or you dash into a coffee shop. In any case, you don’t stop in your tracks and rail at the rain or try to figure out how it could rain or wonder what you did to bring the rain.

Perhaps you could consider what befalls as too bright sunshine in your eyes? In that case, you would slip on your sunglasses or perhaps cup your hand over your eyes or simply get out of the rays of the sun. You wouldn’t think less of the sun because it blinded you for a moment. You wouldn’t accuse the sun. You wouldn’t try to educate the sun.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Geniune Respect Means Your Word Is Your Bond

Genuine Sincerity Encourages Genuine Respect

Make a conscious point to truthfully and honestly look at your own attitudes and behaviours not only what you demonstrate towards others but what you also give to yourself, then you will soon realize there are many questions that come forward pertaining to your personal life and spiritual journey. Who is it that you respect and why? Do you share your respect with everyone or just a select few? Can you determine during each interaction you have that you are coming across compassionate, respectful and loving? Do you respect your Inner Self? If you demonstrate any indifference towards anyone, why? We could continue with examples of questions you can ask yourself, but you can understand that every avenue you take does pose the opportunity to think if you are being respectful to those that you meet and greet and to yourself. In addition, being aware of your attitude and behaviour offers you great insight on what is needed to bring more positive Light into your behaviour.

The energy you emit is your responsibility. When you choose to respond to another dear soul that demonstrates respect and compassion you are emitting positive energy that is healing, yet when you demonstrate disrespect towards another dear soul, including yourself you are emitting negative energy and negative energy is harmful. If you want to achieve a more peaceful existence then it’s vital that you learn how to change the negative aspects of your person that reflects more positive Light into all you do and comes through during each encounter you have with another dear soul.

Don't Give Up Your Power To Others Through Your Need To Please

Be Confident With Yourself

Be truthful when you answer, are you one who tends to worry about what others think of you regardless if their opinions are based on your appearance or of how you think? Worrying about what other people think of you carries unpleasant energy that can produce equally unpleasant thoughts and negative self-talk. We witness often dear souls trying to meet strangers approval on how they dress, on how they conduct their life choices from the rumours they hear and they themselves help to create a negative cycle that attracts more harm than good until an overwhelming power from within comes forward that will end that depreciative cycle and the negative energy gets replaces for uplifting light energy.

Anytime you perceive that you are being judged, most times you truly are not. As humans, you tend to over-think and over analyze every single interaction and experience that comes into contact with you. Many times you may not be aware of this occurring because analyzing others seems to happen all on its own, you take in any flaws or imperfections that person may have on the outside without considering any goodness that may be underneath. Become a quick observer and recognize when you begin to over-think any situation. This is a self-abusive pattern and only you can end it. Purposely give yourself credit and compliments for any part of your personality that you like, and what you know is not perfect accept this as homework. How your outer appearance is viewed does not reflect your inner beauty or goodness. It’s what is on the inside that is most recognizable and memorable.

Build up your self-esteem by thinking good thoughts of yourself more often and pay attention to the smaller details. If you have become used to thinking negative, you know then this is a learned habit and as with all habits they can be changed and broken by the conscious effort of your Will in Action. Remember even the people or things that you consider to be perfect also carry imperfections. Not one person or thing is perfect, there is always a drawback or a flaw to be found, but to us and what we encourage you to see is not their imperfections but of the beauty that is there that is more than physical. Always put your best foot forward without trying to undermine or underperform yourself, accept that right now you are the best you can be. Tomorrow is another day, keep your attention to the here and now and love what you see and not what your Ego has been trying to get you to conform to.

When you worry too much about what others think, your own perception is clouded and small issues are often tightly scrutinized and even with such close up of trying to find fault, you are unable to see the good because you are expecting to see something that truly is not there. Create a new habit dear ones but looking at the big picture of your journey without the worry of what other people think. Know what you know well, since the path you are on is yours nobody else’s. Don’t allow what other people think control or hinder your development and enjoyment life has to offer you.

Make a list of what you are currently grateful for and work on this list once a day and watch it grow. When you go back later to see what you have added, you come to realize there is much in your life that is tangible and worthy of your gratitude. You have your health, family, trusted friends, intelligence, etc., through what you are able to honestly see without the viewpoint of others you will discover all that you do have and not worry about what you don’t. Appreciate dear ones all that you have achieved knowing full well there is more coming your way.

Many dear souls focus on the big things because they are what is easiest to be seen. We encourage you to find delight in the small things and see beauty thriving all around you. Beauty comes in many guises, from children playing with their pets, watching a seedling begin to stretch skyward, the sun streaming through the trees on an early winter morn, the examples are endless but we are positive you understand beauty is with you each and every day and none of it has to do with pretty clothes, styled hair, make up, or forced conformity. The eagle that soars above in the sky has no worry or care if you think it’s beautiful, it does not worry that it’s beautiful, it simply flies, it hunts and does what eagles do best.

In order to end the need to please others with your appearance you need to become more confident with yourself through accomplishments you have achieved. Stop second guessing yourself – every time you second guess or doubt yourself you are allowing your Ego to choose what is best for you when it is your heart that brings you to what is best and of the highest of good because your heart is filled with goodness and love and where there is love the Ego cannot reside. The more you accustom yourself to following the direction of your heart and by making your own decisions based on where you wish to go rather than what someone else thinks you will raise your confidence and find how much more satisfying your journey becomes.

Too many times we observe so many dear souls pre-judging themselves because they expect others to deliver judgments, opinions and other viewpoints. Your thoughts are very powerful. Instead of expecting that someone will say or do anything because of your appearance give yourself a smile, and smile at the dear souls whom you assume are going to judge you based on your appearance. Smiling helps to enhance your self-esteem and it illustrates to others that you are confident in your appearance and most importantly with yourself. Most people that are smiled to before speaking to them will return the gesture and your interaction becomes much more enjoyable and any stress that was threatening dissolves.

When interacting with others, there is always the potential of not being understood. When you know you are going to share something, an insight or idea don’t think that it’s going to fail before you mutter a single word, envision success from the discussion or interaction instead and find ways that will help you deliver what you wish to say and share successfully and with confidence.

Emotions and feelings can lead you to feeling you are on a never-ending rollercoaster if they are permitted to run rampant. When you are constantly worrying about what another person thinks of you and of your appearance, this only intensifies your feelings and oftentimes brings about even greater emotions that create fear, prevent happiness and bring more stress into your already busy day. It’s important to be aware of any emotion that is moving through you. Recognize what this emotion is and see it as being separate from you so that it’s not an actual part of you and slowly watch this emotion dissolve into nothingness. The moment you consciously observe an emotion dear ones you become separated from it and if it’s no longer connected to you, it no longer exists.

What seems to be the hardest for most dear souls is the acceptance of themselves. Because so many dear souls are so obsessed about how they look in order to appeal to another person’s approval they forget that the most important approval does not come from any one person, but from themselves. Accept yourself for exactly who you are, how you look and where you are on your journey. If there are things that you, not another person thinks needs to be changed, then it is you that must discover ways to make what needs to be improved a success. Don’t complain about what you don’t like, instead do something about it. If what you don’t like about yourself is fixable then fix it your way with your own influence and power. If you come across something you cannot altar then remind yourself what you cannot change could always be worse and that there are dear souls in the world right now facing worse physical conditions. Learn to realize that some of the things you tend to worry about are really, truthfully not important but you made them important through negative self-talk and negative thought forms.

We encourage each of you to access more often your Inner Self, not your outer person. Don’t give so much power to your appearance that it takes away from your actual beauty and self-worth. It is your Inner Self, the beautiful divine spirit that resides within your precious heart that holds the true beauty of your true self. It is this beauty, this simple unadorned preciousness of your truest form of self that God sees.

There are great spiritual implications if a dear soul obsesses over their outward appearance which prevents them from seeing the real beauty of their authentic nature because they are too busy collecting fast-paced gadgets and what people think of them. Your life does not truly become richer simply because you have accumulated many material items – they do not take into account the purity of your soul that lives through all you do alongside your heart in all actions. They are just things; you are real, filled with endless opportunities to grow, to develop and to become all that you are meant to.

It is up to you dear ones how your journey will progress, it always has been. End the action of giving your power to others through your need to please them with your appearance or to dictate how your life should go. Appreciate their suggestions with kindness and love, but remember this is your journey. Even if your choices brings you to choices that produce what you consider to be a mistake, this choice holds your power and provides you with the opportunity and potential to learn what to change in order to produce a different outcome. Be confident with who you are on the inside and allow this strength of inner character shine glowingly on the outside. You are your own person as you cannot be any other.

And so it is…

I Am Archeia Lady Radiant through Julie Miller
Message from Archeia Lady Radiant

Received by Julie Miller

October 30, 2013


Friday, November 1, 2013

Find Your Own Happiness, Be You - Heavenletter #4719

Find Your Own Happiness

Heavenletter #: 4719

October 26, 2013

Sometimes there is a need for poetry. There is a need to release yourself from the exigencies of the world. It is good to get out of yourself and go into a vaster realm. There are times when concrete life is too concrete for you. That’s all right. You can be excused for a while.

This is a good time to get out into nature or into a poem. This is a good time to get out from where you are into a softer realm. There are areas of life that are not your cup of tea. Don’t think you have to excel in them. Admit you don’t have to be supreme in every area of life. This is not escape. You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist. You may have to be an artist. It is perfectly okay to be who are at any given moment.

Maybe you are not meant to run a certain race.

When Love Takes Over Fear Disappears - Heavenletter # 4722

Love Soars and Fear Disappears

Heavenletter #: 4722

October 29, 2013

Your mind and your habits of thinking signal to you that that there is difficulty. Regardless of what befalls, you would be problem-free if you had not so well-learned the concept of difficulty. You would be as free as a bird if you had not learned well that life is composed of difficulties and you have to be on the alert. How well you learned danger and aversion to it. It is as if you planted an alarm within you, an alarm that alerts you constantly.

You were born into a world that taught you ideas of right and wrong, and that challenges in life were wrong, unbidden, unfavored, as if you were not to grow, as if there were a limit set on growth, as if life were to expand so far and no further, that safety was primary and living life really was to be avoided, averted, opposed to you.

There is no doubt about it. You can look at life as though it were treacherous and uncalled for. You can look at injustice and cruelty. They are not hard for you to see. And so you make judgment. All this judgment was cultured into you. You were not born with it. You were born innocent. You were born with the prediction of goodness and care. You were born to thrive and not to retire from life as it comes, as it happens.

What if, as a child, you knew only love and did not become acquainted with fear? What if you were not confined and made to cry? What if you were greeted totally with love and encouragement and knew nothing else?

This does not mean you would be savage or spoiled. You would have your own way in the sense that love is your way. What if there were no repression, no punishment, no correction except for love?

What health you would have, what vision, what joy in life. Joy in life is what you would have learned and what you would give unabashedly. What happiness, what laughter, what consideration. How you would embrace life and be embraced by it.

Alas, this is not how life has been cultured, and, so now, culture well-being for yourself. Love yourself now. Put balm on your wounds, and heal them. Be good-natured once again, and be good-natured to yourself.

The world found fault with you. You have had enough of the concept of fault. There is no fault except a stamp imposed upon you. Love blossoms you, and yet love finds no fault to improve. With more love, the concept of being improved would not exist. Not even approval would exist. There would be no need for it. Nothing would have to be made better. What for? You are a beautiful viable human being who, too often, was being improved, and that may have been to your detriment. Disapproved of, you were not improved. You were hampered.

Where is freedom when you are cramped? Perhaps your sense of self-worth wasn’t allowed to grow as your feet might not if they were always cramped in too tight shoes. Everyone has awareness of not cramping the body, yet when it comes to heart, cramping may be the order of the day.

Let there be an end to this. Substitute enjoyment, laughter, appreciation instead. Let everyone be free. With freedom, there would be no need for license. There would be no need of recrimination or going too far. There would not even be need for love because love would soar on its own. All would come down to the knowledge that love is all, and that is all there is. What a comfort that would be. Love would be like a warm quilt in winter, and it would be a fair breeze in summer. Love would soar, and fear would disappear.

Then you would be able to look at the world and say that all is good, for good is all you would know.