You decide the value of everything in your life expression. You do so through your focused attention, and your gratitude. The word appreciate means to give thankful recognition, to increase or raise the value, to give favourable evaluation. It is a means of giving the universe your personalized feedback to even better define your unique life expression. Think of it as a sorting process. What you express appreciation for, you are saying you wish to keep and experience more of, what you ignore, you are simply withdrawing your energy from because it is not something you wish to experience more of.
Your gratitude and appreciation are what waters the beautiful flowers of your gardens, and brings more joy and beauty to your life.
Have you ever noticed how delightful your partnerships are when they first begin? They flow, they are accepting, you are filled with the wonder of the other person, and your heart swells with love for them. But, invariably, over time, the “bloom is off the rose” and before you know it, you start arguing and finding the other person’s faults. What happened? How could you go from finding nothing but perfection in the person to barely being able to stand being around them?
The answer is simple, Dear Ones. You haven’t fallen out of love. You have fallen out of gratitude. If you put yourself on high alert for all the wonderful traits your beloved has and choose to concentrate on and express gratitude for those many aspects that made you fall in love in the first place, you will find yourself falling back in love with your partner and using energies that will help your relationship continue to bloom and grow.
Some of you say, “Well, he/she doesn’t appreciate me! I’ll be thankful for them if they start to appreciate me.” If you are feeling that way you are missing the point. While it is certainly nice to feel other’s gratitude, and we do encourage you to share it with others because it feels good for everyone involved, it is a tool you use for universal feedback, not a gift you bestow upon others. It is your power tool to help energetically announce and create what you want more of. It is how you choose the energies you wish to live with and experience, and no one else can give that to you. It is from BEing grateful that you will draw to you the gratitude you seek.
Like everything else, the shifting of energies must come from within in order to have the profound and lasting effect you seek. So celebrate the blessings that are all around you, Dear Ones. It is the easiest way to bring desired flow back into any area of your life.
Surrendering into the flow means committing to operating beyond resistance. Resistance is the cause of physical and emotional discomfort. Therefore, you can also consider surrender and flow to be vital tools for healing.
Freedom, the true freedom your soul craves, comes from embracing who you really are, from living your life according to what is best for you and your unique path, choosing activities that bring you joy, seeing yourself as already having everything you need, and surrounding yourself with people and energies that love, encourage, support and uplift you in all of those areas. By doing so you will continue to shine brightly in your truth, and encourage others to do the same, supporting the energies of acceptance, allowing, and divine self expression, which will only continue to further expand, enhance and beautify not only your life expressions, but your beloved planet, as well.
Dear Ones, it is your natural instinct to love. As a piece of God, love is your source, it is your true state of being. Many of you have been hurt by others and have decided to be guarded with your love, which really only amounts to denying yourself.
Love! Love because it is your natural state. Love because it feels good to do so. If you have forgotten how to love, or how wonderful it feels to feel love, spend some time with babies, animal or human, and feel your heart open and expand. Take notice of when you are in that love space – you feel absolutely delightful – so present and alive! You feel whole and healthy in all ways.
Many of you think you will experience the flush of falling in love for a short period of time and after that love becomes work. This is such a limited idea of what love is! Love is what allows you to express your beauty, your light, your essence and is what opens you to experience the entire universe loving you right back.
So come back to love, Dear Ones, as an element that is just as important to you as the air you breathe, and surrender back into that universal stream of divine connection where you give love, receive love, feel love, BE love, all at the same time.
Many of you deny love because you were hurt by someone you loved. But Dear Ones, don’t you see that it was not love that hurt you? It was the absence of love that hurt you. And yet you deny love as if love were to blame, which only makes you more in line with the very thing that hurt you in the first place. Do you see? Do not give an old, out of alignment experience the power to make you forget your true essence or stop BEing who you really are. Your light, your beauty, your essence, your LOVE, is far too glorious, far too required, to withhold from the world.
Many of you are interested in finding new love relationships that are more in line with who you are energetically. Many of you know what didn’t work for you in the past but are not sure how to choose your next relationship. There are many factors that will indicate whether a relationship will be sustainable over a longer period of time.
The most important is similar levels of integrity. This is the largest predicator of whether a relationship will last. If you have differing ideas of what is right or wrong, the relationship will eventually fail. Integrity is an indicator of the level of soul growth the person is operating by. If your partner has a far lesser level of integrity, it is a clear indicator that you are not operating from a place of soul resonance. These partnerships are frequently based on “saving” the other, and are doomed to fail.
Energetic resonance is very important to relationships lasting. You do not have to have the same energetic vibration, but it does need to be harmonious.
A commitment to growth. If one or both partners in a relationship become resistant to growth over a long period of time, the relationship will fail. Relationships are created to support growth and experience. Should the growth stop, so will the relationship. This does not mean that both need to be learning and growing at the same pace. Often one partner will grow and expand, then the other will. But what it does mean is there needs to be some form of individual growth for each within the relationship. If there is not, the relationship no longer serves a purpose and will break apart.
The last aspect is gratitude. Truly appreciating and supporting your partner by having gratitude for them and their unique traits and essence is one of the surest ways to ensure your relationship lasts. Think of those wonderful love stories you hear from older humans who have been together for decades. The common thread is that they respected and appreciated their partners, on top of loving them. Gratitude is what gives your love relationships longevity.
If you start to look at your potential partners through these new filters, Dear Ones, you will very quickly find yourselves with partnerships that will be built on firmer foundations than you have experienced in the past and that honour and celebrate you like never before.
Archangel Gabriel
Channeled by Shelley Young
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