Sunday, October 27, 2013

Acknowledge The Advantages of New Direction

Acknowledge The Advantages of New Direction

No matter how hard you try to avoid change, change is inevitable and always constant. How each dear soul responds and reacts to change does carry cause and effect onto their personal performance in every area of their life and the outcomes they are hoping to achieve.

By avoiding change, even if you are unaware that you go out of your way to maintain all things in your life to stay exactly the same – never changing; therefore puts your own development and growth out of alignment with all that moves and lives within your environment. Many times this occurs unconsciously due to a deeply imbedded need to keep everything safe and secure – stepping into the unknown can be a frightful experience, one that requires great bravery and courage. This kind of inaction will result in discomfort and many times create tension not only within your physical body but in many areas of your life. If your own behaviours, emotions and feelings are not aligned with the new directions that are crossing your path, then you become dear ones off course and less productive.

What makes change so frightening is different from one person to the other but mainly it’s the dynamics of the situation that creates the fear and need to retreat where it’s the same and safe. We know how difficult it can be to step beyond your comfort zone and embrace change with confidence, but the more often you do the better your outcomes will be. Innovation and change is part of your modern world. It cannot be avoided; therefore we encourage you to embrace the changes that are coming, even the ones that pose to be difficult. See them as advantages to become more knowledgeable and where you are able to shine your authentic self in every step.

Change is change…it makes little difference what is changing, it is how you respond that makes the difference, and how you respond does affect your performance and the outcome you are looking to achieve. It is much easier to flow through the changes with a positive attitude, ready to take on what is in front of you. Even your body language, self-talk and interaction with others will reflect how you are coping with any change.

Of course there will be situations that you will adapt more easily to than others, and we know some will be very difficult, but when you willingly and consciously step forward with a constructive manner you are demonstrating you are willing to adapt and accept all changes that waiting for you to acknowledge. We encourage each of you to be more positive towards the direction any change may involve. Make sure you truly understand without any doubt what you can or cannot control within any circumstance and realize dear ones that disruptions are natural and part of any change or new direction – they are what helps you to expand your comfort zones where you are given opportunities to be creative within any changes that you are working through. Accept that there is always more than one way to do something, learn of innovative ideas that resonate with you and make them work within your current situation and don’t be shy to make use of your own personal strength. You have always been strong and each change that you have passed through is your proof.

Having a good attitude during any changes or sudden new directions will help to enhance your overall performance and results. If you are able to respond and react positively to any change, then you are able to grow and develop as the unique individuals each of you are. We ask you to think back to an experience where you were with a positively minded person and how that felt. Was their energy fun, and high spirited? Even when dealing with difficult choices that require great changes to take effect, having a positive attitude will help make the transition easier. The dear souls that are able to maintain a healthy positive attitude while dealing with difficult decisions don’t allow themselves to grow a negative thought, they understand the power of faith and make use of it every moment in each day, not just during prayer. Being positive in mind and spirit is a choice dear ones and even though this choice requires a great deal of energy to continue, it keeps you on target of whatever goal you are aiming to accomplish.

We observe often that for many dear souls it is much easier to be negative than positive. We have seen so many attempt at being positive and as soon as another difficult challenge enters the picture their positive demeanor vanishes and is replaced with fear and uncertainty once again. At any time your positive attitude is reversed and negativity sets in, the power that is lost is by you allowing this to occur. You may not be able to control everything that comes your way, because that is how change and challenges work, they come often unexpected. Don’t allow a difficult challenge turn your attitude upside down. You hold the power to control this part of yourself. It is up to you each time if you are going to give any situation the power to control you.

It is understood that life in general for most dear souls is like a never-ending roller coaster, but it doesn’t have to be viewed this way. Negative thoughts come and they go. They have the ability to attract more negativity and discord into your life if you allow them. It is also understood that none of your negative thinking or self-talk comes from God. He does not promote negative actions, He encourages you to practice self-love and self-compassion, to heal yourself during times of doubt and despair and to remember to lean on Him during such times…allowing Him to come to you so He may shine His Brilliant Light down upon you and wrap you up in His infinite Love.

There are always ways to cope through any transition that will help you to leave the negative behind for more positive choices and outcomes. We trust completely that with your ability to explore you will discover ways that fit your personal style that will help bring you out of any disharmonic emotion or feeling and back to feeling positive and optimistic.

In the meantime, we encourage you to pay attention to what you are thinking about. Determine if your thoughts are negative, even if they are just slightly negative they still hold disharmony and negative actions and words are still holding form. When you realize your actions, words, thoughts, feelings and even your will is holding any amount of negativity you have not only the possibility but the capability to control your thoughts and replace each negative thought with a positive one. This is a learning process and it does become easier with practice. Try not to be too hard on yourself or to expect perfection over-night. The development of you takes time, lots of love and care.

We also encourage you to stop listening to other people’s negative attitudes; they have the ability of effecting your own and often carry toxic energy that will bring down your own. If this means you might need to find new people to interact with that are positive minded then that dear ones is a choice we encourage you to take. Being around negative people will not help you to become more positive or remain positive.

We know you want to make changes that will bring about new directions for you to take upon your journey. Make a list of the changes you wish to see and work on them one at a time. We know you are aware of any negative behaviour that you hold, and we encourage you to make a list of these as well being honest and truthful. If you are unable to see what is negative in your life, ask a trusted person, one who will speak without bias and work on this list also. You may discover that each thing you find that is negative is able to be changed into positive just by wanting to make the changes happen. There is nothing you cannot do when you put your heart and soul into each and every step.

Don’t forget to stimulate your own self-worth by making good use of positive I AM statements and positive affirmations. Write them down and leave them in strategic places, or when a negative thought comes into view, remember one and say it and believe what you are saying. Tell yourself every day how grateful you are for being you. Remember you are a gift onto the world created by God which also means you are a gift onto yourself. Commit to saying something positive that affirms who you are as a person and that your existence is valid and essential. Each day you will make new progress, don’t just know this from reading our words, know this from the silent message your heart gives you each time confirming the truth behind each positive affirmation and positive I AM statement.

We see just how busy your day is; from morning to night and it is a challenge to find even a couple minutes of extra time, but we ask you to do just that to pray. Talk to God, to the angels or to who you refer to when praying. Share your burdens and concerns with who you pray to and know your journey is not a lonely one. Learn to rest in the comfort of the one you pray to, knowing you are loved, protected and cared for. We know it’s difficult to trust in what you cannot see and this is where many dear souls lose faith, yet it is faith that will see you through the hard times.

Change is a process; it requires you to think, to accept, and to be aware and so much more. If your mind is positive then your body will follow your mind positively and respond positively. You already know that your physical health is affected by how you think. You cannot ever separate the body from the mind, because how you program your mind is how your body will also respond.

Know dear ones; God wants only the best for His Children. He knows that sometimes you must choose the harder challenges over the easier ones, and sometimes repeatedly before you understand the lesson and break the cycle. He also knows and believes that you will overcome any obstacle because you have inside of you the power to make change happen…it’s all fairly simple – just mind over matter.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ October 25 – November 01, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Truth About Frustration

The Sun Shines. Birds Are Singing.
Heavenletter #4718
October 25, 2013

God said: 

Rely on yourself.

It is not for you to wait for the outside world to smooth your path. You have to be your own savior. You cannot wait for the world to change for you. When you are feeling incessantly frustrated, the ball is in your court.

It may not be possible for you to change outside circumstances. You may not be able to remove the causes of all the frustration that you are currently experiencing, What you have to do is to change your take on the frustration.

Frustration arises in you because certain events are not going according to your plan or are not going according to your convenience. I do not want you to feel so frustrated and thwarted, and so I ask you to find a place of calmness within you.

Perhaps you need to give yourself a break. Perhaps take the day off. If nothing is going right for you today, do something else. Who is saying you have to fight frustration tooth and nail? Who is saying you have to get your dander up? Who is it that says that you have to continue in the frustration mode?

Throw your hands up then! Get away from it. Do something else. Remove yourself from the situation for a while.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

From Love, Create Your Life (Law of Attraction) Heavenletter #4717

From Love, Create Your Life

Heavenletter #4717   October 24, 2013

God said: 
Consider this: There is no penalty. You are not in danger. There is no danger.

Yes, yes, you imagine penalty and/or danger around every corner. You do not need to wear a knight’s shining armor. You do not need protection. You are safe. You are well taken-care of.

Ah, but you choose to be what you perceive as a realist, and you feel pursued by all that you do not want. You make friends with it.

Will you, as a favor to Me, please start feeling safe and secure and know that I forever hold you safe in My arms of love?

The world is fraught with change, and this worries you. Begin to remind yourself that the world is filled with love as well. Love is inevitable. Love is secure. Love from Me to you is a constant. Love you have, only, you hide so much love from yourself. Perhaps you do not feel worthy, and so you deny yourself security. You deny yourself love. You give yourself suffering in advance. Perhaps you feel that, by suffering in advance, you are lessening your chances of pain. Beloveds, what you are doing is making sure that you receive what you consider your allotted pain. It is like you make a reservation for it, as if you desire a front-row seat, as if you don’t want to miss the performance.

You do not need to draw any kind of suffering to you. If, as you seem to think, pain is inevitable, why, then, draw it to you? Don’t keep count. Don’t run toward it. Don’t have your arms wide open for it.

You find life scary. Therefore, you are scared. Yet fear does not protect you. Why do you act as though it does? Fear may well actually draw to you that which you fear.

Give up on suffering. You have learned suffering. You have been taught it. You were a good learner. You believe pain is inevitable, and so you lie in wait for it, as if lying in wait is somehow a repellant, or, perhaps, that being alert to suffering, suffering will pass you by as a courtesy or as a delaying action. But the thing is, you tend to wait for the other shoe to fall. What you wait in watch for, often occurs, or you call it to you, and it comes.

Perhaps you consider the world a jungle. Think a different thought. What you think matters. It matters a lot. What you think is like a map you follow.

Better to take initiative and chart your course. Draw your own course. Call it a map of your life.

Draw pictures of what you welcome to your side. Write descriptions. Immerse your thoughts in what you desire. Believe in desires at least as much as you believe in bad news.

Change your ideas. Have different ideas. Offer yourself treats every day. Look at the sun. Watch the clouds roll by. Immerse yourself in the life you want. Create it. From the silence of your love, create your life.

To some degree and much to your protest, you do. Life is not all cards that are dealt you. Even when you have been dealt a rough hand, it is up to you how you are to deal with it. Even when you have real trouble, you have choices to make. You can choose to elevate your life and the lives around you, or you can feel sorry for yourself and take the line of least resistance. Or you can stand tall and be strong in the glory in which I made you.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The 12 Universal Laws
An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book "The Light Shall Set You Free"(1998).

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.

2. The Law of Vibration 

This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. 

3. The Law of Action 

The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words. 

4. The Law of Correspondence 

This Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world - energy, Light, vibration, and motion - have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. "As above, so below" 

5. The Law of Cause and Effect 

This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we "reap what we have sown." 

6. The Law of Compensation 

This Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. 

The Law of Attraction

This Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. 

8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy 

This 8 out of the 12 universal Laws is a powerful one. It states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. 

9. The Law of Relativity 

This Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative. 

10. The Law of Polarity 

This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations. 

11. The Law of Rhythm 

This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness. 

12. The Law of Gender 

This last out of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God 


Life Is A Surprise - Heavenletter #4715

Life Is a Surprise

Heavenletter #4715                                                        October 22, 2013
God said: 

No one knows what tomorrow will bring. But who is it who says you have to know? What makes it better to know what is going to happen tomorrow than it is not to know? Why does certainty seem right and uncertainty doesn’t?

What is certain is: If you were born, you were meant to be born. And when you live on Earth, you were meant to live on Earth. And you are meant to learn and grow. There is not a minute really that you stay just the same. Growth is the name of the game.

It’s really true that you do become wiser.

If you could live your life over, would you make the same choices? Probably. Even when looking back and you regret some choices you made, you might make the same choices again that you made before and now rue. At that time and place, you were up for that choice. Whether wise or sorry in hindsight, it would seem that you followed a star not really knowing what you were doing. Most likely, you were in a kind of daze. You took a gamble, as in life you must, and it came out the way you wanted, or it didn’t. Sometimes it may seem to you that your life was rigged.

Anyway, you can’t turn back. This life is a one-time opportunity. Every day is a one-time opportunity. Besides, you can’t really trace the course of your life any more than you can predict it. Sure, one thing seems to lead to another, but does it? In Truth, there is no sequence, and there is no consequence. It certainly seems so, but, then again, what do you know? You mostly guess, and tomorrow you will guess again.

Life is a surprise. It is a surprise a mile a minute. Even when life seems to turn out the way you expected, it is a surprise. Life seems to have you twisted around its little finger, and it would seem you do life’s bidding.

No one knows how he or she is going to turn out, as if there is such a thing as turning out. No one knows how any another will turn out. Nobody knows.

Is there a conclusion to how people turn out, and in whose estimation? You see what you see, yet that doesn’t mean you know the half of it.

The surface is only the surface, and the surface may not reveal the depths. Whatever you think you may know a lot about, you may know little. In terms of the surface of life, there is little to know. Now, the depths, that’s another story. The depths are endless. There is no ending. The path continues to wind and unwind.

From the human point of view, life is perilous. Even so, there is no peril. You lead a sanctioned life. There is truly no end to life, so what can you be in danger of? Naturally, you think of many dangers, and those are your fears. All fears are unfounded. Your deepest fears are unfounded. There is no foundation for fear. Fears are a kind of temperature changes, that’s all. Be wary of your wariness.

Life is a shoe-in. You just have to meet up with it, and life will take you on your merry way. There are no close calls even unto death of the body. All that you fear is a surmise. It is a supposition. Even when you lose a bet, you don’t miss a strand of life.

Finally, I ask you: Why does winning seem better than not winning? What do you win when you win?



Monday, October 21, 2013

Relationships That Are Centered on Saving the Other Will Fail - Gratitude for The Other Will Succeed

You decide the value of everything in your life expression. You do so through your focused attention, and your gratitude. The word appreciate means to give thankful recognition, to increase or raise the value, to give favourable evaluation. It is a means of giving the universe your personalized feedback to even better define your unique life expression. Think of it as a sorting process. What you express appreciation for, you are saying you wish to keep and experience more of, what you ignore, you are simply withdrawing your energy from because it is not something you wish to experience more of.
Your gratitude and appreciation are what waters the beautiful flowers of your gardens, and brings more joy and beauty to your life.

Have you ever noticed how delightful your partnerships are when they first begin? They flow, they are accepting, you are filled with the wonder of the other person, and your heart swells with love for them. But, invariably, over time, the “bloom is off the rose” and before you know it, you start arguing and finding the other person’s faults. What happened? How could you go from finding nothing but perfection in the person to barely being able to stand being around them?

 The answer is simple, Dear Ones. You haven’t fallen out of love. You have fallen out of gratitude. If you put yourself on high alert for all the wonderful traits your beloved has and choose to concentrate on and express gratitude for those many aspects that made you fall in love in the first place, you will find yourself falling back in love with your partner and using energies that will help your relationship continue to bloom and grow.

 Some of you say, “Well, he/she doesn’t appreciate me! I’ll be thankful for them if they start to appreciate me.” If you are feeling that way you are missing the point. While it is certainly nice to feel other’s gratitude, and we do encourage you to share it with others because it feels good for everyone involved, it is a tool you use for universal feedback, not a gift you bestow upon others. It is your power tool to help energetically announce and create what you want more of. It is how you choose the energies you wish to live with and experience, and no one else can give that to you. It is from BEing grateful that you will draw to you the gratitude you seek.

 Like everything else, the shifting of energies must come from within in order to have the profound and lasting effect you seek. So celebrate the blessings that are all around you, Dear Ones. It is the easiest way to bring desired flow back into any area of your life.

Surrendering into the flow means committing to operating beyond resistance. Resistance is the cause of physical and emotional discomfort. Therefore, you can also consider surrender and flow to be vital tools for healing.

Freedom, the true freedom your soul craves, comes from embracing who you really are, from living your life according to what is best for you and your unique path, choosing activities that bring you joy, seeing yourself as already having everything you need, and surrounding yourself with people and energies that love, encourage, support and uplift you in all of those areas. By doing so you will continue to shine brightly in your truth, and encourage others to do the same, supporting the energies of acceptance, allowing, and divine self expression, which will only continue to further expand, enhance and beautify not only your life expressions, but your beloved planet, as well.

Dear Ones, it is your natural instinct to love. As a piece of God, love is your source, it is your true state of being. Many of you have been hurt by others and have decided to be guarded with your love, which really only amounts to denying yourself.

 Love! Love because it is your natural state. Love because it feels good to do so. If you have forgotten how to love, or how wonderful it feels to feel love, spend some time with babies, animal or human, and feel your heart open and expand. Take notice of when you are in that love space – you feel absolutely delightful – so present and alive! You feel whole and healthy in all ways.

 Many of you think you will experience the flush of falling in love for a short period of time and after that love becomes work. This is such a limited idea of what love is! Love is what allows you to express your beauty, your light, your essence and is what opens you to experience the entire universe loving you right back.

 So come back to love, Dear Ones, as an element that is just as important to you as the air you breathe, and surrender back into that universal stream of divine connection where you give love, receive love, feel love, BE love, all at the same time.

Many of you deny love because you were hurt by someone you loved. But Dear Ones, don’t you see that it was not love that hurt you? It was the absence of love that hurt you. And yet you deny love as if love were to blame, which only makes you more in line with the very thing that hurt you in the first place. Do you see? Do not give an old, out of alignment experience the power to make you forget your true essence or stop BEing who you really are. Your light, your beauty, your essence, your LOVE, is far too glorious, far too required, to withhold from the world.

Many of you are interested in finding new love relationships that are more in line with who you are energetically. Many of you know what didn’t work for you in the past but are not sure how to choose your next relationship. There are many factors that will indicate whether a relationship will be sustainable over a longer period of time.

 The most important is similar levels of integrity. This is the largest predicator of whether a relationship will last. If you have differing ideas of what is right or wrong, the relationship will eventually fail. Integrity is an indicator of the level of soul growth the person is operating by. If your partner has a far lesser level of integrity, it is a clear indicator that you are not operating from a place of soul resonance. These partnerships are frequently based on “saving” the other, and are doomed to fail.

 Energetic resonance is very important to relationships lasting. You do not have to have the same energetic vibration, but it does need to be harmonious.

 A commitment to growth. If one or both partners in a relationship become resistant to growth over a long period of time, the relationship will fail. Relationships are created to support growth and experience. Should the growth stop, so will the relationship. This does not mean that both need to be learning and growing at the same pace. Often one partner will grow and expand, then the other will. But what it does mean is there needs to be some form of individual growth for each within the relationship. If there is not, the relationship no longer serves a purpose and will break apart.

 The last aspect is gratitude. Truly appreciating and supporting your partner by having gratitude for them and their unique traits and essence is one of the surest ways to ensure your relationship lasts. Think of those wonderful love stories you hear from older humans who have been together for decades. The common thread is that they respected and appreciated their partners, on top of loving them. Gratitude is what gives your love relationships longevity.

 If you start to look at your potential partners through these new filters, Dear Ones, you will very quickly find yourselves with partnerships that will be built on firmer foundations than you have experienced in the past and that honour and celebrate you like never before.

Archangel Gabriel
Channeled by Shelley Young

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Your Egos Are Like Teenagers Lacking Wisdom to Guide You


All are One, and daily this truth seeps into the conscious awareness of more and more of humanity, as you all – well the vast majority of you – move closer to your awakening. It is a done deal, you are going to awaken, it is inevitable and nothing can prevent it, so focus on the inner peace and joy that you encounter when you go quietly inwards in relaxation, prayer, or meditation knowing that this is the divine Will for you all. Doing just that is extremely healing for you and for all with whom you interact. It is what you came on Earth to do, you can do it beautifully, and that is all that you need to do. Truly it is very simple. Focusing on your anxieties and fears is very counter-productive, although they do often seem extremely important as they demand an enormous amount of your attention; just continue practicing letting go of them except when you are dealing directly in the now moment with issues that cause them.

You were created in joy for joy, that is your natural state, and when you focus on what disturbs you or makes you unhappy you are effectively withdrawing from that state. As you are well aware worrying changes nothing, it just adds to your stress and unhappiness. Be loving, of yourselves and of others, whatever the situation and refrain from judgment. If an error has been made forgive it, correct it if possible, and then move back into your peaceful inner space where you allow the thoughts of worry, judgment, and fear that arise to flow past you like the weather, without engaging with them. It is a bit like going out in the rain, you dress appropriately, take an umbrella, and the rain ceases to be an issue.

Every day you are moving ever closer to the moment for which you have been praying and hoping, and your intent that it happen is bringing it towards you, and because you know that, it makes perfect sense to be joyful, cheerful, and upbeat. Remind yourselves, when you observe the pain and suffering of others in the outside world, that this will pass. No one is undergoing something that at a deeper level of their being they did not agree to undergo. If possible offer physical assistance or comfort to any in your vicinity who are in need, hold them in your hearts compassionately while lovingly intending for them, and for every other human apparently caught in painful or catastrophic situations, to pass quickly and easily through their suffering, and onwards towards their awakening.

Awakening, as every channeled message is telling you, is your purpose, and not yours alone, but the purpose of every human everywhere on Earth. I cannot stress strongly enough that fact and the divine truth of the Oneness of all that exists. The sense of separateness that you experience as humans is illusory, no matter how real it appears to you, and the more you involve yourselves daily in the mundane activities and thought processes that seem to be so essential for your earthly well-being the more difficult it is for you to access your quiet inner space where you are always connected to your Source. It is from there that you can get a sense of that Oneness, of your connectedness to one another and to your Source that will uplift and inspire you, because that is how you access the field of divine Love in which you are eternally enveloped, and by which you are embraced.

Taking time out daily to go within and welcome the divine embrace in which you are enfolded is essential for your health, both physical and spiritual, because doing so brings into your conscious awareness the knowledge that you are spiritual beings whose real nature is Love. And by opening your hearts to accept what is always being offered to you, you will feel that Love. When you make a point of keeping that knowledge consciously in your awareness as you go about your daily activities and chores it enables you to operate from your true nature in all situations, even when you are under attack, and to respond with love and compassion regardless of any provocations that you experience.

Yes, of course your egos will continue to look for and immediately sense any attacks or provocations, warranted or unwarranted, directed at you, and encourage you to react to them forcefully to establish your boundaries by defending yourselves against them – and they nearly always appear unwarranted, do they not? But when you are making contact regularly with your true nature through your periods of rest, relaxation, and meditation or prayer, you are constantly intensifying the power of Love that flows through you at all times, by removing any obstructions or restrictions to Its onward flow, increasing your awareness of It, and thus enabling you to respond to any attack or provocation with Love, despite the calls from your egos to go to war!

As humans your egos are always with you, but as you focus more intently and consciously on the Love that is your nature, that is your Life, you become increasingly aware that your egos are not very wise, that they lead you into situations that are not conducive to peace, and you then find it easier to ignore or bypass their “guidance,” and their demands for knee-jerk reactions. Your egos are like teenagers, always powerfully expressing their rights, their individuality, and demanding instant gratification and satisfaction, or else! That is rather a sweeping statement because obviously not all teenagers behave like that, in fact vast numbers do not, but it is a useful analogy to which most of you can relate, even the teenagers among you, and there are far more of those than you can imagine now that the New Age has arrived.

So once again the message is about Love, which is your eternal and divine nature, and how to engage with it by bringing It into your conscious awareness so that the engagement becomes constant instead of sporadic, uncertain, or fitful. The point of life is to be fully aware at all times of your true nature, and when you are then that is what you will display and operate from, instead of from the confused and fearful mini-selves that your egos made for you and want you to believe in and spend your time protecting.

It does seem, when in your limited human state of consciousness, that to operate from Love instead of from your egos is to lay yourselves open to untold abuse and betrayal. That you are making yourselves utterly vulnerable, defenseless, weak. But, as you will find, that is not the case! When you are vulnerable because you are engaging with and operating from and through Love, you are invincible! When you are attacked or betrayed it is your egos that are hurt, that suffer, not the real You, and as your hearts open in Love the true You becomes ever more present, the ego’s importance and influence declines, and what used to hurt or upset you no longer does, or only does so far less forcefully.

You are not your egos, you never have been, and you never will be. They are like auto-pilots, and their purpose is to bring your attention to issues that need physical resolution in the moment – the stove is hot, don’t touch it! This is your turning! The traffic lights are red! – things that can cause your own or someone else’s body harm, and that is all. But what has happened is that because of their efficiency at those tasks you have granted them autonomy over you, you have given your power to them, and they have neither the intelligence nor the wisdom to use it properly.

When you reclaim your power, by consciously taking it back from your egos and their knee-jerk responses, and then intend to live lovingly in every moment you will find peace and contentment such as you have never before experienced in your human lives. You can only be hurt or offended if you choose to be. The true You would never make that choice, and no more does God, because there is only eternal unconditional Love and acceptance, anything else is unreal. Attack and provocation are of the illusion, not of Reality, and it is in the illusion, in the pain, suffering, confusion, and betrayal that are almost constant there that the ego has its existence, and so it defends it viciously. Do not be deceived by this insane and almost imperceptible part of yourselves that appears totally real – and in others often seems large, powerful, and threatening to you – and which lives in constant fear while trying to convince you that its fears are real, even overwhelmingly real.

As you move more and more firmly, positively, and, of course, consciously into acceptance of the knowledge that you are pure Love and nothing else, that small terrified part of you, your ego, will be lovingly integrated and subsumed within You, and all fear will dissolve as You once more come to know Yourselves as One with each other and with God.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

October 19, 2013 by John Smallman

Discipline - A Teacher of Accountability, Consideration, Freedom, Liberation, and Positive Energy


Discipline is an important ingredient to your spiritual development and personal growth. Even though there are many among you that are aware of this concept, fewer understand its purpose and that it is required to be a part of your life every day, not just when you feel like it if you want to succeed and progress. If you look closely at those that are most successful, you will see behind their story that discipline and focus was an important asset to their journey, and discipline dear ones is vital to all that you set out to do and to accomplish.

In order to lead others, the leader, teacher, instructor, etc., must be able to demonstrate great restraint, tolerance and patience – this takes daily practice of working with your inner most feelings, learning to let go of what is not really important and focusing on what is that will lead to the further development of your strength. Anyone who has dieted, tried to end a debilitating habit, began a new project or task understands how easy it is to be distracted and that it takes great strength to remain firm and on target. It does get easier with practice and with practice your confidence also rises which helps to promote what it is you are trying to achieve that is positive and good.

You can have all the movement you want dear ones, but unless you bring in discipline to hone your skill, what you demonstrate will be erratic; there will be no smoothness or direction. Take a look at the most influential athletes, you will learn they follow certain rules and regulations and you will also see they train not only their physical bodies, but work on their self from the inside by making healthy choices because they have a goal in their mind and their focus is sharp. This does not mean mistakes cannot happen to those that are firmly disciplined, it just means when errors occur, they are already in-tune to what is occurring and know quickly how to proceed to make the appropriate corrections that will bring about better results next time.

It is well understood dear ones that when you enable discipline as one of the tools to your success you are also bringing in stability and a firmer foundation to your whole life. Discipline has a way to teach and instruct you to become more responsible for the choices you make and to respect what you have chosen without ridicule or harsh judgements. Understand that if there was absolutely no discipline the world would be in even deeper chaos than what is going on now – every single person would do what they wanted, without being accountable for any harm possibly being done; it would a world devoid of compassion, respect and love. Fortunately when you add discipline you are showing consideration, you are promoting good and God-Loving behaviour that makes life a lot more enjoyable for you and those closest to you.

When you consciously demonstrate discipline and self-restraint you are illustrating to those around you that you have control of your Self because you comprehend that without control of your mental and emotional faculties that disaster can result and we understand you are aiming for favourable outcomes from any and all situations you are currently working through. Mental toughness may seem difficult dear ones, but truly it isn’t. Becoming more disciplined does require a certain amount of sacrifice, but the rewards are always worth the effort. If you only put in partial energy into a task, then your outcome will be incomplete – less than what you truly wanted to achieve. When you commit with discipline, and you apply this skill in each step, your outcome will be that much greater. Focus is a key player dear ones in determining a successful outcome. Learning to stay on track and not to deviate from your goal takes great strength and determination, but nothing is every impossible when you wish to achieve something enough.

Becoming more disciplined is not an entrapment to hinder your growth, it’s actually freedom from lethargy and slothfulness, it also brings liberation from astronomical demands and expectations of others; becoming more disciplined will help to dissolve fear and bring you into understanding that your path will lead you to new and unexplored areas for your discovery pleasure and it’s okay to step forward gleaning all you can in order to attain more knowledge and apply this information as wisdom once you have absorbed it through daily application and understanding.

Under the positive influence of self-discipline and restraint you will be able to come home to your own individuality and discover your strength within the goals you have set out for yourself to accomplish. You are no longer a slave to something; you become master of that particular skill. Learning how to see your journey with a positive mind-set that is disciplined will provide you with incredible inside information of your Self. Only you can bring this knowledge to the surface, and we are confident that with patience, tolerance and time you will come to know every part of yourself with the understanding every day will bring new and exciting possibilities for you to learn and grow from.

There are many among you that don’t follow the understanding of discipline being a form of freedom that is because for some folks, discipline is merely a word that means they must work harder without freedom. Have you ever tried to learn a new language, possibly from having to move from your birth country? The discipline required to learn the verbs, nouns, how to make sentences and to converse requires a great amount of hard work, but in the end the person learning the new language can communicate effectively and through the ability to communicate new knowledge is able to be gained and life continues to bring new joy, love and consideration along the way. Sometimes dear ones, hard work doesn’t bring rewards at the end of the day, sometimes your efforts accumulate and over time they create something big and fantastic. Be steadfast in your efforts, focus on what you wish to achieve with all your heart and soul and you will succeed. Challenges will always present themselves and learning how to deal with them effectively and efficiently will help speed up the process and continue the flow of positive energy.

Comprehend dear ones that working more disciplined and restrained your actions are in accordance to what you are thinking rather than what you are feeling. When you are on the path of bringing change into your life through dieting, overcoming a unhealthy habit or something of a similar nature you may be tempted to want what you know is not good for your body, when you make an alternative decision that is healthy and equally satisfying you are staying true to your goal and not promoting the feeling of guilt that often comes after indulging in a temptation that you were trying to avoid.

Understandably dear ones, your modern world is filled to the brim with temptations even if you are not dieting or trying to end an unhealthy habit. Bringing in change always comes with obstacles and challenges and for each person they will be different. We know it can be difficult to stay on track and to maintain your focus but think ahead dear ones and envision how it will feel when you are done – imagine your success and how good it will feel that you stuck with it until the very end. We know instant gratification leads to instant pleasure but then it flees and is gone, leaving you with wanting more soon after. Discipline is crucial to your journey as an essential skill as it provides you with different options depending on the choices you are about to make that will bring you to your goal. When you have everything under control and are moving forward with every effort to accomplish what you set out to reach, you have also given yourself complete authority to take on any challenge and overcome it because you are confident and know where you are going with or without the hindering ability that some challenges come with.

It is understood dear ones that discipline is a skill that can be strengthened at any time when you put your mind to it. If you are going to make a promise to yourself or to another dear soul, make sure you come through and keep your promise. Learn to align your actions with your thoughts and exercise your mind and body into better shape. When seen objectively and with a positive mind-set, you will be able to see even while practicing discipline and self-restraint life can still be enjoyable. It’s important to find a healthy balance between your work and leisure.

Becoming more balanced can be a struggle for some dear souls, but with daily work and effort, little by little this skill can and will become improved because your goals and dreams depend on you growing a strong will and unwavering determination. Regardless how you may feel some days, discipline reminds you that perseverance brings you to what is good for you and to the outcome you have been looking forward to.

Learn to understand the enemies of discipline and how to maneuver around them. Certain pleasures and desires can be powerful and can easily derail you from your goal. When you are hit with difficult situations, or doubt has crept in, this is when the outcome to your goal becomes harder to see and you need to focus a little harder to get through the doubt that has clouded your vision. You will find a focal point that will help to prevent you from being too distracted by the many temptations that have the potential of bringing your goal to a halt or to becoming incomplete. The focal point you choose that will help you to stay strong will help you remember what it is you are working so hard to accomplish; it could be your child, your partner, maybe a promotion or a move to a new neighbourhood. We know within you, the Will that has always been there can be made stronger. Having stronger discipline and more restraint will improve your life and give your journey an enormous advantage – remember discipline is the connection to your goals becoming accomplished.

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ October 18 – 25, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
October 18, 2013

Whose Heart Would You Rather Serve? - Heavenletter #4709 [Love or Ego]

Whose Heart Would You Rather Serve?
Heavenletter #4709                                                                                     October 16, 2013

God said: 
In Whose Name do you speak? Do you speak in your name or in Mine? Whose speech would you rather use? Whose heart would you rather be yours? Whose heart would you rather express? Whose heart would you rather serve?

You have had quite a bit of speaking in your name, or in your ego. I know you would like to be done with every shade of disturbance and perturbance. Disturbance seems to appear as something outside you whereas, with the word perturbance, it seems more clear that perturbance is something that belongs to you, something that in some backward way, you extol as though it were something great that ennobles you.

Be done with perturbance now. We are talking about smallness, and you are someone designated to be great. This irritation within you is something to renounce. You’ve endured it long enough. You would much rather feel good will. You would. I know you would. And yet you have shackled yourself with petty perturbances.

Break those bounds. If you desire good will, and only good will, why not have it? In order to feel good will across the board, you have to be done with hurt feelings. Let’s say it fair and square:

Hurt feelings are a manifestation of ego. It is ego who hurts your feelings. It is not high-mindedness. It is not because you are finer or more sensitive than another. What it is is that you are riddled with ego. There are no two ways about it, and, yes, you want to be done with ego, only, at the same time, you are adamant at holding onto your pride. Pride, defense, all such, are embellishments of ego.

You are not meant to be the Princess and the Pea. To make sure that the Princess is really royalty, the royal prince’s mother, the Queen, put a pea under twenty mattresses and twenty eiderdowns over that, and still the Princess slept badly. In fact, she was black and blue from the pea that disturbed her sleep!

Really, a better test of royalty would be how good-natured you are. This reveals a true princess. To be super-sensitive doesn’t make you better than someone who doesn’t warm up to intense sensitivity.

The true answer for you is to stop being so sensitive. Yes, life is about you, yet all of life is not about you. Sure, yes, you are a main player, yet you are one of many. You must let go of overweaning sensitivity. Have sensitive feelings for the one you seemingly see as hurting your heart. The one you felt hurt your heart is no doubt puzzled. You are not to set up a mystery. It is better that you be an open book. It is better that you think differently, see differently, react differently.

Be more receptive, more ready and willing to make allowances for others rather than ejecting them from your good will. It is better for you to be gracious. Give others the benefit. Be sensitive to others’ needs.

Every single person in the world reads a different book and draws different conclusions. Every one of My children is different, and each one is the same.

Be gracious. Be a gracious sir or lady under all circumstances. There is no flag that you have to hold up that has to say: “Here is a person to treat with delicacy.”

Better to be rough and tumble. Better to be love rather than so elegantly sensitive. Better to give love than take umbrage. Care about how you interact with the world and others more than you feel duty-bound to represent yourself. You don’t need a defender. You don’t need a bodyguard. Be true royalty. Even if you should slip on a dozen peas, do not mind so much the image in someone else’s mind.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Love Will Lead The Way

Be truthfully honest, how much time during the day do you spend in judgment of others? Are you aware of the times that you are? When someone walks by passed you do you think to yourself, “Wow they look sad, or happy, or their clothes are disheveled they must have had a rough night, etc.?” No matter how little it may seem, as soon as you have an observation kind of thought, there is judgment involved. Actions and words of others are being judged, and we are aware of this occurring more often than many of you may realize. If you are completely happy with yourself and I mean 100% happy then you will have absolutely no reason to judge another dear soul that shares your beautiful Earth. It is easy to assume and to judge another without getting to know them, but are you basing those judgments and assumptions because you know what that dear soul is going through, have you walked in their shoes? What we have witnessed is how many people judge others when they themselves are not feeling completely good about themselves – there is a lacking in their lives that causes them to judge others.

Judging others does not move you closer to living from your authentic self, it does not bring you closer to God, and in fact it causes a broader separation to take place. Judging of others without knowing who they are or what they are going through happens all the time, it is not nice, it does not contain love nor does it contain respect or compassion. Yet all that you need to break unhealthy cycles that are damaging to yourself and others is all within each of you.

Why do people judge others? There are many reasons but the big ones are insecurities, fear, loneliness and looking for change or a new direction. Whenever you are unhappy have you not noticed how quick you are to put another person down or to offer opinionated advice where it wasn’t asked for? We have also bared witness when dear souls are moving through fear and how fear causes certain reactions to take place. When you see someone getting ahead and achieving what you wish you could, you create ways to challenge them that will create doubt to creep into that person’s life where none lived before. How many times have you been in the past, envious over another person’s figure, outfit, hairstyle, etc., that caused jealous feelings to take over and create judgments or unnecessary gossip? To be truthfully honest, and we wish you would be – you will come to realize even if you do not take part of this negative behavior now, at some point in your life you have.

Being lonely and feeling that you are alone and don’t belong is another reason why many dear souls find it necessary to judge and make assumptions upon others. Instead of finding common ground with those around them, they are finding ways of pushing good-hearted people away. Any bonds that have been created due to loneliness were mostly not created from true love and compassion. Understand any bonds or connections you have made as a product of your judging others are at best superficial. They are lacking the key component of relationships and connections and that is love dear ones. Love is what truly brings people together. It may start off as a love for something that is similar but it grows with compassion and respect playing an important role.

Sometimes it is hard watching others making great changes and seeing even greater outcomes manifest. You want such changes too and while you observe others, instead of getting to work to bring in your own rewards you fill your head with negative thoughts and judgments on the changes those people brought into their lives. We know it can be hard to be happy for other people’s successes, but it does your heart good when you are, truly and genuinely happy for another dear soul’s happiness.

Have you ever thought of the harm judgments bring? Even the smallest negative thought, word, feeling or action can create a lot of chaos into the life of the one your negative attitude has targeted. It is paramount to always think of what you are going to say, once those words are out, there is no magic eraser to whisk them away. You can say sorry a thousand times but any damage that has been done is already in the making. When you hurt another with your judgmental thoughts, words and actions you are not just hurting them, you are bringing harm down onto yourself. No good comes from criticizing or judging others.

The dear souls that take part in judging and criticizing others create a false reality that it is okay to treat other people badly or to undermine their worth. Every time they partake in such activity they are bringing more harm down into their own lives. Remember how the power of attraction works, when you do good things, good things will come to you, when you do harmful things that you know are wrong, well my dears I believe and know you understand how this works – you will attract the same into your own life.

Even in this modern era there are still stereotypes based on gender, spirituality, appearance, and other labels and categories that creates a deeper separation. Instead of working together for the betterment of mankind, what is created is a bunch of little groups working separately as one. Judgments are often bred within separated groups that stigmatize the people that are within those invisible walls. No matter if a person is gay, Buddhist, Christian, Black, White or any other kind of difference they are still people with a heart, they know how to give love and to receive love. Peace is able to be reached when those walls come down and let others in. Shedding ignorance of different cultures and ways of life will bring liberation, unify through love and acceptance – judgments will not belong because love has led the way.

No matter how you look at it dear ones; assumptions made from judgments and criticism is negative. They do not bring any good into your life; they create harm and can have life-long effects on the dear souls that took the brunt of any negative words, feelings, thoughts or actions. Each of you are completely capable of giving and sharing love and just as capable to bring an end to being assuming, judgmental or critical of others. There are ways and we know you can bring this negative behavior to an end and shorten the gap between you and the Heart of God.

If you honestly and truthfully have all the intentions that good and powerful to end the incessant need to judge others then it begins dear ones by observing your own thought patterns. When you recognize negative thoughts are forming in your head, learn why they are there. Once you learn why they have appeared quickly give those negative thoughts a new positive direction. Look for something positive. This will require you to pay extra attention and to actually focus instead of always rushing through. You are less effective if you are always rushing. You can’t get to know anyone if you don’t give them the time. If you are required to say something in a response, choose your words wisely and find something positive and if you can’t simply don’t offer a comment. Learn to make different choices that are non-harmful to yourself or to those around you. You will create a friendlier air that will help attract more people into your circle thus creating a better network of support people that one day you may need.

Learn to not judge a book by its cover. Don’t quickly assume or judge another unless you have truly walked in their shoes and you know this person well. Avoid judging people just because of their appearance, gender, sexual preference, religion or other stereotypes. Silence is golden dear ones; it provides you with incredible insight to yourself and allows others to be themselves without judgment, criticism or assumption. When someone is different than you, instead of making ill judgments on their choices and ways of life, how about inquire about their lifestyle. Ask questions that indicate that you want to learn. Even if their ways are not yours, you are gaining valuable information and understanding how another person lives their lives even in the simplest degrees of understanding – it brings you closer together on a tighter bond.

We encourage you to focus more on your own life than on what others are doing. The more you focus on yourself, the less likely you will compare and create assumptions based on false judgments and criticism. End the vicious cycle of judging yourself. The harsher you think of yourself the worse you will think towards others. Look at all the positive things you have accomplished instead of focusing on the negative. At any time there is a lacking in your life, learn of this lacking and discover ways that will bring change and new growth that will illuminate any lacking. This is your journey dear ones. Even if you are not completely spiritual, your choices are yours and you are responsible for them. If you want a happier and more fulfilling life then it is you that must make this happen. We will always be here, guiding and supporting you each step, but you have to want this help and while we are working on the spiritual side of your life you are working positively on the physical side that will enrich all aspects of who you are in the life you are currently living.

Try and remember how it felt when some falsely accused you or judged you wrong. How did you feel? It is not a good feeling. There are many ways that you can bring more uplifting and positive change into your life that will rebuke any judgments or criticisms that you may have at one time chosen. You have the choice to demonstrate your goodness and security within your own person or you have the choice to demonstrate your insecurities which comes through as being mean and judgmental. Understand dear ones, where the act of judgment comes from – it comes from pride, and not the kind of pride you feel when you have passed a test or crossed the finish line in a marathon, but false pride – the kind of pride that is fanciful and filled with the feeling of superiority. Realize dear ones any time you have given false judgment on another dear soul you have also become accountable for making the correct judgment.

Don’t make matters worse by judging; bring change to your situations that are positive and welcoming. Learn who people are, don’t assume. It is okay to ask questions, asking questions shows another person you are willing to listen and to learn and dear ones that is an important first step towards acceptance, respect, love and compassion that your world sorely needs. Changes have occurred for the better and they will continue to rise. Some changes are slower to take than others but time is always on your side if you see time as a friend rather than a foe. Be true to yourself and love those you meet.

I AM Archangel Sandalphon through Julie Miller

Message from Archangel Sandalphon
Received by Julie Miller
October 12, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Relationships Inspire Happiness and Peace

Relationships Inspire Happiness and Peace

The world which you live in is constantly changing and evolving and so are your relationships. Many of you have embraced the concept of becoming more in-tune to yourself on a spiritual level and with those you love – you create a bond that is not based on words, but by your actions that are not outrageous, instead your actions demonstrate the intent and the purity of your thoughts in perpetual motion that inspire goodness and unconditional love.

At first, when you enter any relationship you enter it because of a comforting feeling you get while in the other person’s company, you see this new person as someone you can lean on while going through a difficult experience, or just someone you can confide on a personal level with. At first your needs are met on a mental and emotional level because of the deep connection you both made that have a common need that is fulfilled by the development of the relationship. The more time you spend with this new person, regardless if it is a romantic relationship or platonic, the connection made enables you both to unlock the inner potential of this new relationship to blossom from the light and love that is being shared. In order to develop and create a relationship with another you must believe in yourself and have enough faith and trust to step beyond any fears that can rise during any new relationship that is just beginning.

Each person that comes into your life has the potential of being a friend. Nothing is ever by coincidence; all has reason including the creation of friendship and other kinds of relationships. God and other divine beings have been working hard behind the scenes making it possible for certain paths to cross in order to broaden your life experience, to discover deeper meanings of joy and happiness and to gain a new perspective. Sometimes the relationships don’t always work out, but they are always filled with something positive to gain. We know how difficult it can be to see the positive when a relationship didn’t last, but when you are able to look without attaching pain to the experience you are able to see what you learned and gained and how you can apply this newly gained knowledge next time. It is easy to say there will be no next time, but there will always be a next time eventually. All experiences, the good and the bad all come with important life lessons. Without the difficult ones you wouldn’t know how to appreciate the good ones, and happiness would only be wishful thinking instead of actual reality.

Each opportunity and interaction that presents itself to you dear ones is a gift from God. God’s gifts are often subdued hidden within the obvious. Through the gift of developing a relationship you are able to learn so much valuable information about yourself through the sharing you do with the new person that has entered your atmosphere of friends and other dear hearted souls that means a lot to you. With God working through you and with you, you will be able to take the positive changes you have developed from a newly created relationship and apply them in other areas of your life. You become better in-tuned with yourself because you are listening to the vibration of your heart and you learn how to relate to other people in a way that demonstrates peace, love and faith in yourself and for all those that surround you no matter how far they may be. The power of a relationship that is working has the ability of affecting others with the positive energy it emits and you come home to the comforting feeling of your own love that has always existed within yourself to have and to share.

When relationships are budding, understand you are building a foundation that is not about fulfilling your own needs but a combination of fulfilling both of your needs that is equal and essential. The person that comes into your life, is not only there to give you something, they come into your life in the hope of building something together – something with equal opportunities that only help to nurture and grow the relationship into a complete joining of two people that are supportive, able to be sincerely empathetic, they demonstrate hopefulness and creativity in a deep and interconnected way that is purely divine.

When you exemplify empathy, you are willingly extending yourself into the other person’s world, accepting this person’s situation, you are understanding and you never judge or criticize them. You anticipate the relationship with hopefulness, understanding and knowing this person already is a great and they have the potential of becoming even better because of the relationship that is in the works of being created. Relationships require a certain amount of creativity, where energy flows equally together with equal opportunities of giving and receiving.

Remember dear ones you are the creators of your life. By meeting each relationship as equals, you are also able to discover more of yourself at an inner and more personal level; the wisdom of your heart is able to shine through your actions as love and compassion that each person in any relationship deserves. When you help to create with another dear soul, you are potentially able to bring forth powerful changes that not only benefit you and the one you have connected with, but you bring these great changes to others by the upliftment of your own energies working as a combined force of goodness and love. When you demonstrate love for yourself and for others willingly and consciously you are able to see the goodness in ALL people, and gain so much joy when you recognize you are living in harmony with those around you.

When you are able to view the spiritual nature of your relationships – to see them from a deeper perspective, you are able to bring yourself into new heights of understanding and awareness that may have not been present before. New relationships that are just budding allow you to view certain qualities of yourself that you allow you the opportunity to make certain changes by ridding yourself of old attachments that would only weigh your new relationship down and accepting the Love from God that fills your whole self; mind, body, soul and heart with his endearing light that empowers you to greet new people and new relationships with your real and authentic self. Remember because you are the creators of your journey, all unions made with another person are created out of choice, any amount of time that is spent together is a combination of both people making the choice to offer and accept – to come to a workable conclusion that continues to inspire happiness and peace.

Any time you are able to view your relationships with a spiritual outlook you are able to see the truth in the divine creation of their existence. Even if a relationship only stayed for a short time, there is something of value to gain. It requires great trust to build any relationship as trust is like the glue of both mind and heart working together within the power of hope between two people. When you apply faith on the development of your relationship you are exercising that you are willing to follow your heart to what is real.

When you are connected with another, you develop a deeper knowing of what is right and good within yourself that is demonstrated by your words, actions, feelings, thoughts and will. Your inner knowing has the ability to bring change to any relationship and to your own life because your inner knowing brings change to how you think of yourself and how you see the world as a whole interconnected cosmic reality. Trusting your inner knowing allows you to move past any doubts your ego may create into the path of belief and certainty. Knowing each relationship is created out of Divine Love helps to eradicate negativity and promotes peaceful compassion and hope for the future of your relationship.

There are many among you dear ones who fear the creation of relationships because they fear of the potential of being hurt and/or disappointed. But when they say no to a relationship they are also saying no the possible personal and spiritual growth and development of themselves – to be able connect with another and see the world through their eyes. Relationships help you to understand more of yourself. We understand the difficulty and the uncertainty that can be felt when a new relationship holds a promising potential, we encourage you dear ones to move past this fear, discover the courage that is found within your beautiful heart and step forward, one step at a time, even if your steps are baby steps. Reduce your expectations and enjoy the collaboration of energy that occurs when you meld with another. Have faith dear ones in the journey you are on and trust where your heart is leading you. God wants you to be happy and for you to have a wonderfully peaceful life – but you have to want it as well, and we all know if you want something bad enough you will do all you can to bring forth a successful outcome.

I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ October 08 – 15, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
October 08, 2013

Living and Loving in Oneness - Heavenletter # 4702

Living and Loving in Oneness