Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Remove Blame and BE a Peaceful Force of Love and Compassion

Be A Peaceful Force Of Love And Compassion

There have been many situations suddenly arise in your day-to-day activities where you felt it was justifiable to blame another, both on a joint and personal level, and the energy that is dispersed during the act of casting blame is neither conductive or productive of creating any other effect other than pulling you deeper into the realm of despair and dismay.

Understand Beautiful Bright Hearts, blame works for your Ego, your ego will compel you to blame others in order to protect you from feeling helpless. Blame often comes through during certain conditions that create frustration that leave you feeling you are lacking something, being deprived of something, instead of permitting you to feel the grief, or sorrow that would lead you to healing yourself, blame creates an dynamic part of your feeling; a sense or feeling that you are able to do something about upsetting situations through the assistance of another dear soul by passing off your responsibility to them. Whenever you engage with blame, you believe you are taking a progressive active step towards requesting justice and that the ones you are passing blame to will turn out to be different.

During any difficult situation Beautiful Bright Hearts, it is important to separate your desire; the part of you that feels it is the circumstances you have experienced that created your pain, suffering or discomfort to be different and your energy that creates the anger that in turn creates the blame that you bring into the situation. For the energy you use to create the blame from your anger and frustration, you end up not seeing clearly therefore the bigger picture of how to work with the situation at hand becomes a challenge because you allowed it to grow out of proportion through your need to blame. If you are able to redirect your energy from the need to cast blame to seeing what changes you can make within yourself, you might then dear ones begin to clearly see how to rectify and come through the difficult situation with greater ease.

Anytime you are presented with a life opportunity within a situation that causes anger enough to pass blame for what you are feeling you are given a chance to discover within yourself your own willingness to trust and to connect with the positive side of life instead of the negative. When you are willing to take your own pain and despair, instead of sending it back into the world where more pain will be felt by others, you are holding your own discomfort and instead sending healthful healing energy back into the world.

When you think your pain is too much for yourself to carry alone, you may feel it too severe to deal with. Instead of blaming others, you are encouraged to pray for enlightenment, for God’s Healing Light and Love to fill your entire being, illuminating a path that will lead you out of your dark predicament. God’s Light will show you Beautiful Bright Hearts what you need to hold onto, giving you the inner knowing that with the expansion of your heart it is possible and He will help you. This is a challenge, one that is personal and deeply spiritual, as it requires you to sacrifice the pain you are feeling in order to discover a certain amount of enlargement within yourself that will enable you to carry your pain without creating more for others to feel. You do this dear ones not because you wish to suffer further but because you recognize that you are an important part of all life, not just with your own self alone and feeling separated.

When your beautiful hearts expands in order to enlarge its volume to hold your feeling of loss and despair you are providing a great benefit for the entire world, and it is has transmutative effects to your feeling of frustration and blame. The love that resides in your heart that is expanding dissolves your need for negative feelings and actions and instead provides you with the capability of living freely, and in peace within any circumstance that life may bring you. This kind of positive action and change of your thinking and reactions will not create inaction as many dear souls would at first believe, instead the new changes you have adopted will reflect a determination of being a force of love and compassion for the entire world and where the energy of your feelings that come from your expanded heart will benefit others for the greater good of humanity.

The reason for changing how you react to difficult situations gives you insight on how ineffective your need to pass blame out of anger took away your precious energy and focus. Your new and positive way of dealing with your frustrations, anger or pain that was a result of a situation with another dear soul will contribute to your ability to move forward in your life in fast and direct ways, where your decision making, and planning abilities bring you back into being in the Present that feels comfortable and peaceful. What is often hidden Beautiful Bright Hearts from your waking awareness, but is still very much active are your negative energies that you tend to hold within yourself are the reasons why you cannot reach your own sense of peace and calm. You have had moments dear ones where you can feel them through explosive anger or another disturbing emotion or feeling that suddenly bursts. Yet at other moments these hidden negative energies function as a festering sore that is just below the surface of your perception window and this is harder to heal because they were left ignored for a very long time.

In order to find peace dear Beautiful Bright Hearts, you first must realize that peace rests within your freedom to select which emotions waves you will allow to live within your emotional mind and which ones you are willing to let go. The dear souls that strive for peace must also strive to let go of the need to want anything that would create a conflict with this. Your precious minds may not realize but your heart always knows the Right way and it is the way of the Heart that we encourage you take. In order to create peace within your precious hearts, you are required to let go any animosity, anger or any other negative feeling or emotion that may be lingering and create a life that is blame free and peace giving. When your heart is ready and you are ready, then your precious soul will discover a way to instruct you with the necessary lessons of peace that your dear busy minds will acquire and to make room for.

May each Beautiful Bright Heart, the dear souls that are striving for peace in the whole world, discover that this knowledge is already within them, just waiting to be discovered and shared.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada through Julie Miller

Ascended Master, Lady Nada’s Weekly Message ~ December 26 – January 02, 2014

December 26, 2013



Christmas, Part of the Divine Plan to Lead Us Back to Oneness with God and One Another

On this Christmas Day, as on every Christmas Day, and as in fact on every day, I offer you greetings and love because as children of God we are all brothers and sisters divinely enfolded within our Source Who is infinite unconditional Love, which we share and extend constantly because it is our will and His Will that we do so. His Will is our will. Life, existence, is as simple and as utterly profound as that. There is no part of creation of which God is ever unaware because He, Love, is infinitely aware and infinitely loving unceasingly. Consequently we are forever safely enfolded in His loving arms where there is nothing to conflict with that divine and eternal state which is forever His Will.

On awakening the beauty, the magnificence, and the wonder of Reality will transport you into a state of utter and presently unimaginable joy, which is your heritage and your destiny. Here in the spiritual realms we wait expectantly and with ever intensifying delight as we observe your continuing progress towards the moment of your awakening, knowing what wondrous and awe-inspiring amazement will engulf you as your awareness opens expansively to take in and rejoice in the immensity of God’s Love for you. What our Father has prepared for you, and, therefore, for all of us, for all of creation, is utterly beyond words, beyond pictures, and beyond description, it has to be be consciously experienced by a fully awakened being, and you are all shortly to become fully awakened and fully conscious beings enjoying the infinite wonder that is God. Truly you can have no idea of what is coming to greet you as you open your hearts to accept and receive God’s eternal gift to you.

If any of you think that this message of God’s infinite Love for you offered and delivered through me and through all the holy ones here in the spiritual realms by way of this channel is too good to be true, unreal, the wishful dreaming of an aging eccentric, then I can absolutely assure you that the wonder of what you are so soon to experience – REALITY – will mightily blow away any doubt, disbelief, bitter humor, or unhappy memories that experiences within the illusion have encouraged and supported.

As you have been repeatedly told “There will be no disappointments!” Why? Because our divine Father always delivers. He loves you all without exception and without reservation, and His Will for you is infinite joy, and His Will prevails, always. There is no opposite or alternative to His Will, there never has been, never will be, and never can be because He is All, there is nothing else, and therefore you are all essential parts or aspects of that All, eternally inseparable from It, just as He created you.

The unreal illusory state that you built, seemingly so infinitely many eons ago, is dissolving. It is but a wispy, misty, vaporous thought with which you once mistakenly engaged, and in a moment it will be gone leaving you free to engage fully with the sublime and utterly engrossing Reality that is God, All that exists, and from which you have never been separated. Your sense of yourselves as billions of small insignificant beings drifting, alone, abandoned, and of no consequence in a vast, threatening, and completely unconscious universe is fading as your collective intent to awaken strengthens and intensifies.

You are coming Home. There is nothing in your way, and your glorious arrival is, as we have so often reminded you, inevitable. Rejoice on this Christmas Day as you celebrate the anniversary of my birth into the illusion, which happened as part of God’s divine plan, in order to lead you all back to a fully awakened state of awareness in which you can enjoy eternally the wonders that our Father has created for us all simply because He loves us way beyond anything any one of us can possibly imagine, for it is only as One with Him that we can experience and engage with Reality, our true and only Home.

It seems to many of you that you have been embedded interminably in a universe that expands constantly as it continues to try and convince you that you are small and insignificant players in an environment that has come into existence as a result of an unpredictable, highly unlikely, and random occurrence for which there can never be any satisfactory explanation. Rejoice therefore as you become increasingly conscious that such a vast and complex state could never occur randomly, that in fact an incredibly complex and and powerful intelligence – YOU, the One child of God – built it, entered into it, separated yourselves into billions of separated selves, and became lost there as in an enormous maze.

Many have come over the eons of its existence to show you the way out, and slowly you have come to accept the loving guidance and help that they have offered you whatever your culture, race, or religious or atheistic beliefs may have been. Now you are moving rapidly towards the moment of your awakening from the illusion, and many of you are already sensing it very strongly because it is very near. Continue holding the intent to be only loving, to share that love unconditionally as does your heavenly Father, and absolutely know that you will soon (Yes, that word again!) awaken as divinely promised in the moment that your first thoughts of separation from your Source occurred to you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Channeled by by John Smallman
December 25, 2013



Monday, December 30, 2013

What Matters is the Intention Behind Spoken Words -- Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech

Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech

Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with. The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to. What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others. It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

In order for the words you choose to be helpful, appropriate, true and non-harmful, not troublesome, not hurtful or abusive and not to include negative gossip or chatter, its important dear ones to tune into your conscience, listen to your intuition and allow it to be your guide for knowing what to say and what not to say. It is important dear ones to understand how the words you choose to express to another, either through written or verbal form may affect others. By not consciously thinking ahead of what you wish to express, more often than not what you intended to express becomes misunderstood.

With your discipline and focused effort to continuously search for ways to improve and enhance your ability to communicate, to bring a greater quality into your speech, the practice speaking and communicating in a non-hurtful way, a way that is moral, sound and compassionate you will discover your vocabulary has increased and your emotional tone in your voice, your facial expressions and body language supports the positive changes you are making to enhance your communication skills. Being able to speak to others effectively, without bringing harm to others will improve the quality of your life, because dear ones by being able to speak well, you learn about being more focused, you understand the importance of paying attention, you understand the significance of your intentions being good and meaningful.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Inquiring Minds Want to Know, What Are You Afraid Of? - Heavenletter #4774

God Asks You a Question

Heavenletter #: 4774
December 20, 2013

What is it you are afraid of? You don’t even know, not really. You are afraid of possibilities, poverty, old age, loneliness, ill health, your death, death of others, and life. You fear life. You fear developments. You accumulate inadequacies. What are you afraid of, dear ones?

And what do you want? What would make you happy?

You may answer that if so and so loved you, you would be happy. Yet that would not be enough. Love on Earth, your dream of it, may have escaped you. You think of your dream, perhaps, as winning, as victory, and yet individual love, in the long run, is not always fulfilling or fulfilling enough.

You intellectually know that financial wealth is not enough to give you happiness. You already know that and yet you covet wealth as if it were the answer to all that you find difficult. I bless you to have wealth. In the long run, you with wealth and you without wealth are the same.

It is you yourself who is difficult. You and you alone stand in the way of your own happiness. Perhaps you are a pouter. Even if all your desires were fulfilled in your lifetime, you might feel: “Why didn’t they come sooner? Why did I have to wait so long for them? Why did I have to go without them for so long and struggle for them? Why couldn’t I have had happiness anyway?”

And that is what I ask you: “Why couldn’t you have been happier sooner with or without whatever you wanted? Why couldn’t your own love be enough? Why did you set up barriers to your loving yourself? Why did you put off happiness, making it dependent upon this or that?”

Perhaps you delay happiness now. What prevents you from happiness? Why do you feel or have you felt that it is beyond you? What makes you think that your happiness is dependent upon something outside you when your happiness is dependent upon you?

Why does someone’s lack of love for you trail you and run before you? What are you running from and what are you running to?

Never mind what is around the corner. What is with you now?

If you really believed that time is not real, would you wait for another time to hold happiness in your heart?

What are you waiting for?

Certainly, it always seems that if only you had this…or if only you had that… you would be happy, deliriously happy, yet would you?

What is this factor called happiness and why, oh, why, don’t you already have it?

I say it is yours. I say you can have it. You say you chase it, and it eludes you.

Where is this Bluebird of Happiness? It is said to be in your own backyard.

You may already have it and be the last to know. You may have hidden it from yourself. Happiness exists, and it exists within you, and all you have to do is to pull it out from where you put it. Happiness is yours. Admit it. Usher it into your heart.

If you were to be happy right now, what would have to be different? Only you, beloved. Only you. You would have to see differently. You would have to notice your good fortune.

And, yet, you ask yourself different things. You may ask yourself: “How can I be homeless and happy?”

What if you removed thoughts just like that and changed them to: “I can be homeless and happy. Having a home wasn’t enough to keep me happy, why does absence of anything have to make me unhappy?”

Beloveds, what are you looking for? Happiness or unhappiness? What do you find? Happiness or unhappiness? What bedtime stories do you tell yourself?

What if you could be happy or happy enough to last a day? If you can have happiness one day, why not another? And another and another.

Why hang on to unhappiness when you could have happiness? Why, oh, why, I ask you.


Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/god-asks-you-a-question.html

Stop Thinking About How Others Think About You, You Were Meant to Be YOU

Being Different Is Okay

Present moment way of living, is where you get in touch with the NOW that is at the heart, the center of living effectively. Living in the NOW moment is the only true way of living. It is progressive, exciting, challenging and incredibly informative. Even if you are looking towards the future, it’s important to think of the future as being just another moment to live in the present when it arrives and remember Dear Hearts you can’t begin living the future until it arrives.

We know how difficult life can be; it is filled with new challenges where the level of difficulty can change at a moment’s notice. Part of your journey that encourages you to live in the NOW moment is learning how to be rid of your need and demand for fairness, fairness within society and within relationships. As you move along your divinely chosen path, regardless what that path is you learn what defines you and what does not, you begin to make plans that will aid you to achieve certain personal goals and one of the most important lessons Dear Hearts is learning to NOT compare yourself with another dear soul. When you are done your day with the work you do, it is okay to reflect on the day’s events but steer your busy mind away from overthinking and allow your whole self to rest and remind yourself you did your best and you as you are, are enough.

The Positives and Negatives of Comparing

by Ann Albers
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
While this might not seem like a holiday topic, today we wish to speak to you about the tendency to compare yourselves to others. You see dear ones, we do see so many of you upon the earth at this time wishing you had what others have, feeling as if you have fallen short of the mark somehow because you can't buy all the presents you want, you don't yet enjoy the lifestyle you desire, haven't yet found the means to live in your dream home, or you don't know how to meet man/woman of your wildest dreams... and yet others do have these things.
When you find yourself coveting what others have, remember dear ones, you can have these things too. You can use the tendency to compare as an indicator that there is something you wish to create. You wish to create more abundance. You wish to create greater love. You want to live in a home that elevates your spirit. You want to sooth the world's pains, loneliness, and ills. These are all good things! These are authentic desires. But stop there, because a jealous heart or one that compares is a heart that feels lack, unworthiness, despair and a sense of resignation. A heart filled with truth says, "Oh look at that. I am feeling jealousy. I am comparing myself with others. It is time to acknowledge my heart. It is time to create!" Stop asking why others have what you do not, and simply start creating!

Worry is Not a Noble Act, Unconditional Love is

Worry is a habit that so many indulge in, not recognizing how energetically stagnating it is. People mistakenly think that worrying is noble, that it equates love for another, and it is somehow helpful to their path. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Worry indicates a lack of faith. It comes from a place of perceived powerlessness. It is born from fear and doubt. It keeps people stuck, disempowered and uncomfortable. Worry is simply letting the least empowered part of you take over and trying to create from there. It is like trying to run a race while sitting in quicksand.

Once you realize that you have an infinite ability to create the life of your dreams, worry becomes a thing of the past. Rather than waking with trepidation, you excitedly embrace each day, wondering what new wonders will show themselves to you. It is like waiting for a package to arrive in the mail. There is no need to fear it because you know exactly what you ordered.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Where the Responsibility Lies For The Human Condition - Heavenletter #4741

The Human Condition

Heavenletter #4741
November 17, 2013 

God said: 

How can you not be compassionate for everyone else who walks on Earth unsure of where to go and what to do? Which human being on Earth knows what is going to befall? From an Earth point of view, there are land mines everywhere of one kind or another. Once My beloved children on Earth stepped out of their door, cautious of wild animals. Now there are buses to watch out for and cars and any number of footfalls.

There is no armor to wear. Even steel does not work. Hard hats do not always work. Each day all on Earth wake up to a world that may wound them in one way or another, and hearts are tender.

From a human point of view, everyone is brave to wake up in the morning, unknowing of what may befall to themselves and those closest to them and also to so-called strangers.

I ask again: How can your heart not be tender to everyone who lives on Earth, in your same house or in a land far away?

Everyone wakes from sleep, and everyone has to meet the day whatever it may hold or may not hold.

This is what is called the human condition.

How can everyone’s heart not support every other? The least everyone can do who walks the Earth is to care about one another.

It is true you are all in this life together. Oneness means One with Me, and Oneness means One with everyone and everything.

In Truth, beloveds, there are not too many decisions you have to make. You think you have a myriad of decisions to make. Not so. You are to make the world as comfortable a place as you can for all the hearts and souls on Earth. You are not over-solicitous, yet you have in mind that you serve Me, and you serve the Children of God. You serve all the creatures and all the vegetation. You serve the mountains and the planes. You serve as one who serves water. It is not really such a big thing to serve. It is a natural thing.

If you open a coconut, you share the coconut and the coconut milk. If you milk a cow or a goat, you share the milk. You do not have to bear a heavy yoke. Not at all. There will be lightness in your step.

You merely give back to the Universe all that I have given you. When you have, you give.

It is not that you give to the poor. Let there be no poor. Who are you to separate human beings and name them poor?

Which man, woman, or child, or animal of the Earth or bird of the sky is to go hungry?

Giving takes nothing away from you. It nourishes you.

It is better that there is no reason for begging. Benevolence does not mean you are higher than anyone else. Perhaps more fortunate, yes. Higher? No. Make a world where there are no beggars, where there is no such concept as begging. No one is to be a burden who makes others look away.

Do those who are sure they have greater merit – do they create beggarliness? Certainly beggars cannot create themselves all alone. Does the world create the more fortunate in order to create the less fortunate?

Let everyone wake up in the morning with good will in his heart for all.

In the morning, you brush your teeth. Now also cleanse your heart. If everyone left his door with good will in his heart, what would the world be?

Learning To Love Yourself Is The Key To Improving Your Life

At any given moment, your life and your experiences reflect how you think and feel about yourself. This is true of your relationships, your health, your job, and every other aspect of your life. If your life is not outpicturing the loving relationships, the health, the job, or the prosperity, joy, and happiness you would like to experience, you can be sure that the CAUSE is based on whether or not you Love and honor yourself.
From the time you were born, you came to the conclusion of who you are by how the people in your life treated you, and the things that happened to you on a daily basis. With the often erroneous interpretations you made about your life through your limited consciousness, you developed a sense of identity that is based in low self-esteem, unworthiness, and failure consciousness. That distorted belief about who you are was recorded in your etheric records and your subconscious mind and has influenced every facet of your existence to this very day. No matter how hard you try to improve your life, it is impossible for you to transform your life into what you want it to be while holding those erroneous beliefs, actually lies, about yourself.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Love Has No Limits - Climb the Heights of Love and Never Fall Off - Heavenletter #4752

Climb the Heights of Love and Never Fall Off
Heavenletter #4752  November 28, 2013
God said: 

If you cannot believe in yourself, at least believe in Me. What are you fearful of losing if you transfer your belief in trouble to belief in Me? You would gain awareness of My Presence, and you would lose the fear of loss and your belief in loss. What can you lose when you have Me ticking in your heart or beating a tom-tom that resounds through your reflective heart and through the soul of the world? When you have Me deep in your consciousness, how necessary are these other fleeting awarenesses?

It is one thing to want. It is another thing for you to have to have. You sometimes feel you have to have love from this one or that one when you do not, and, yet, you are inconsolable.

Truly, beloveds, the outside world is nice and meaningful and engaging, something like TV, yet you don’t always have to have it on. There is life without all the periphery. Having to have is a bee in your bonnet. You will live without everything you deem essential. You will even live very well without it.

I will not say that you cannot have everything. I do say that you are not dependent upon having everything you desire. Desire is an impetus for fulfillment. It is not the sunrise and the sunset. Fulfillment of your desires is often not the fulfillment you thought it would be. You thought it would be monumental, yet with or without what you want or even think you must absolutely must have, life goes on just the same.

There is nothing you own, certainly not the emotions of those you see as others. Nor are you dependent upon all those aspects of yourself that you call others. Love yourself, and see how the world turns then. Perhaps you are the one who has to turn around, and then the world, like the board game, goes past you.

Love others as yourself, and then you do love yourself. Love yourself, and your love will know no bounds. Love is without boundaries. Love does not require boundaries, new or old. That’s what it means to say that love is boundless. Love is unlimited. Love builds upon itself. Love is not dependent upon this or that, a pretty face or a large purse. Love is independent. Love is. Love sees itself. Love finds itself, and freedom rings. From whence comes your happiness, beloveds? Happiness comes from within you, just where love comes from. Love is a constant. It is not an intermittent on and off thing. Love is its own awareness. It stays.

It is not that love settles for whatever. Love expands and expands and keeps on expanding. Love is a beautiful rose blooming. You are a rose of love, and you have it within you to climb the heights of love and never fall off. Love doesn’t peak. It doesn’t cease. Love keeps moseying along. Follow love, and you are led to yourself and all the expansion you desire. Love is the leader. Love leads the way. The way is love. Love throws rose petals in your path. All roads lead to love. Dispense with accumulation. Progress with setting yourself free.

Bless those you would love or have loved and all those who once loved you. There is no you, remember? You are greater than an individual, and you would not hoard even one other. Set everyone free. Then see the love come running to you. You are the subject. There really are no objects. None. There are also no goals to love, for love is its own goal. Love is the lover, the loved, and the whole process, if it can be called a process. There is a movement of love in the world. Love is moving up. Love is coming into its own.