Wednesday, November 13, 2013

True Love Does Not Come From Romantic Relationships, It Comes From Within

Embrace Your Own Affection and Appreciation

Above all decisions you will make in your life Beautiful Ones the most important one will be when you finally decide to commit to loving yourself and to accepting yourself just as you are. How you think of yourself does affect all relationships, affects the quality of your work, your Faith and of course your future. The more positive and loving you are towards yourself, everything else benefits. The question is Beautiful Ones, why is this so difficult for many to do?

So much of you journey thus far has been waiting for love to come to you – many are out searching and feeling empty without this sacredness that is already within you. There are many romanticized concepts regarding love, but many of them refrain from mentioning one important aspect of love and that my dears is having self-respect. Being able to respect yourself is the only definable way to develop love in your own life and with others. We know many dear souls create fantasies out of the feelings they have towards another and many times these fantasies do not fulfill their need to be loved and they end up feeling worse because of the expectations that have been added to the experience. Understand dear ones in order to be loved, it is essential to truly love and respect yourself equally as much as you do others. Make a point to consciously understand the short term and long term effects of loving yourself and this positive change will enhance your ability to love others. By taking positive loving action, you will enable positive and loving energy to enter your life stream that will help to create greater situations to occur. Have faith in the process of learning to love yourself. You have spent so long denying your true self, you have gone out of your way avoiding your own truth and that truth Beautiful Ones is that you are worthy of your own love and respect. By allowing yourself to accept your own love and respect you begin to grow beyond any previous conceived imagination. Understand dear ones, your journey is never for nothing, you have a purpose. The more you learn to love and respect yourself; your purpose becomes that much clearer. End the need to please everyone just so they like you, begin working on liking yourself and bringing that like into Love and Respect.

The ability to love yourself for many is perceived by society – it has to do with status, gender, power, finances, beauty, etc., when these do not describe your self worth, they do not describe the respect you have for yourself or the love you are able to give to yourself. Yet many times it is through these ideals that your self-judgment begins a negative banter, making you think you are inadequate or that you are unable reach any successful outcome. Feelings of being inadequate can feel as if they are never-ending, but you do possess the ability to end the onslaught of negative thoughts by simply shifting your perception.

When you feel worthy you empower yourself to see clearly, with fresh eyes you become more aware of yourself. You recognize developing love for yourself comes from conscious effort of accepting yourself and from going within and learning all the wonderful things that make you – YOU. Love is not found in external things, love is found from within. Just because you may be different from your neighbour doesn’t mean you are not worthy of your own love. Comprehend Beautiful Ones, your very worth is your true nature – it is the central core of love and inner goodness. No matter how different you are, each of you holds a beautiful light – each of you already are love. End the need to bury your divine magnificence, shine dear ones through the love you share with yourself.

It is essential to understand and to remember, loving yourself requires a lifelong commitment, and it’s not a singular event. It requires continuous effort by you and by your conscious ability to embrace yourself within your own affection and appreciation. As you get up in the morning remind yourself just how worthy you are of your own love and breathe this in…embrace yourself and allow this loving energy to saturate every part of your Self.

We know your day is busy, yet we encourage you to find time for quiet solitude where you can meditate, pray or do quiet activities that are just for you. We have observed during this quiet time many dear souls journal, they reflect, and try to bring peace back into their lives after having a hectic day. Time with yourself is essential and healing; don’t pass it by.

Always keep handy positive affirmations, especially ones that resonate deeply with you and work with you in many situations. When difficulties arise, pull out these affirmations and repeat them until you find peace and calm re-entering. Learn to think and talk yourself back into being happy. Let go of any upsetting feelings. Remember to breathe Beautiful Ones, with deep cleansing breaths and learn to breathe love into any troubling emotions or feelings.

There are many ways that will enhance your self-worth, respect and love for yourself. Enjoy the many activities that are available through outdoor activities that include adopting a healthier diet and positive minded people. Stop the fight with yourself by trying to conform into one way or another – surrender the intentions of your heart and soul. You are not meant to be exactly like those you have trying to copy. You are meant to be unique YOU.

We are aware that you wish to bring in so many new changes and each step you take towards this goal you are responsible for. Your personal and spiritual development will grow from all the lessons you have learned and from being able to forgive and love yourself after each one. Each situation you have met so far has given you a deeper understanding of yourself and there will be more. And we know when they arrive you may at first be filled with uncertainty but remember to take it one step at a time and love yourself each step of the way. Each experience you have you learn more about love and of yourself. Apply what you learn not just once in a while, but constantly in all the things that you are part of. Be the love that you are. Give yourself enough love and respect Beautiful Ones to not only know but to believe in the unlimited opportunities that have always been available to you. Take positive action and create a life that is beautiful, and fulfilling.

Accept uncertainty through patience. We know how difficult it can be to be patient in your fast paced world. Patience is one of your biggest personal challenges, but when you are able to let go of the fear that often transforms into impatience, you are able to relax and thrive within any chaotic situation and any suffering felt is put to rest. You will know what to do and when, when you allow yourself to be guided by your intuition. Learn to trust these answers and have faith in their direction. The quiet voice that is often described as your conscience is your heart talking dear ones. When your heart leads, don’t fear its direction – trust its course and know you are walking a path that is yours and through this path and the journey it is taking you on, you are discovering new ways to honour yourself with love and respect.

We see often, even during these changing times many dear souls following the crowd just to please others, when they are in truth not pleasing themselves. Learn to refrain from taking part in activities that lacks respect or honour and brings down your self-worth. Develop a positive network that is devoid of toxic people. We encourage you to love others unconditionally yet learn to discern who you allow in your life. And if by chance you have encountered another dear soul that was toxic or you were part of a situation that didn’t turn out as expected, forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for allowing yourself to be hurt, forgive the other person and learn to love yourself through the lessons each experience provides you. Forgive yourself for not doing your best or for your behaviour; forgive yourself if you have become sick – give yourself the healing your whole self needs to grow from through forgiveness and know this act is an act of self-love.

Since your life is a never-ending journey, it is constantly evolving and changing; this also means it is even more important for you to learn to focus on the positives instead of re-hacking on the negatives. Let the negatives go and allow your heart to lead you to new directions that will present you with new challenges for your growth and development. Be open to change, embrace the change that will come your way every time you treat yourself lovingly and with respect. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. Don’t look at what you have yet to accomplish because that is still in the future. Focus on the now and see how well you have progressed and through this honest seeing, you are able to recognize the areas that need your love and attention.

You already know that from the moment your eyes open to a new day you begin to make choices. During any time of you day become aware of any neglect you have shown to yourself. Understand Beautiful Ones, when you have demonstrated to yourself neglect, you have consciously rejected a part of yourself that needed love. Become more aware of your choices and before making a choice, question yourself by asking, “Does this choice honour me; is it of the highest of good?” Be honest here. We witness so many dear souls procrastinating basic care of their needs until their needs develop into pain. Free yourself of the pain from your inactions by becoming more positively active and responsible for your body and life. When we talk about loving yourself, we mean your whole self, your body, mind, heart and soul.

Try to imagine or envision what your life would be like if you truly loved yourself just as you are. Would you see yourself following a fad diet, applying the newest make-up technique, copying the next person or would you see yourself happy, and at peace? Commit and dedicate to giving yourself the love and respect you need and deserve. Make this a priority Beautiful Ones.

Since you are all connected, when you love yourself you are loving your neighbour. Think, “When I love myself (me) I am also loving you”. Through your ability to love yourself, you heal yourself and you help to heal others and when others are being healed through love the world is also being healed. Never forget you are here to love, you are love – make love be your calling and remember it is always within you, never is it out of reach.

And so it is…

I AM Archeia Lady Faith through Julie Miller
November 09, 2013


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