Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Harmony - The Balance of Body, Mind, and Spirit

[Would anyone in the Company Heaven like to speak with me today? Please identify yourself. Thank you.”]

“It is I, Sarasvati, who would like to come through you today, as I had indicated to you several days ago I would. It is I who wishes to speak to you today about Harmony.

What is Harmony? Harmony is the vibrational resonance between two or more objects.

Now immediately this Scribe is asking if that means that is not possible to experience harmony within Oneself?

That, and this Scribe knows this, is not, Dear Ones, what we mean at all since, of course, Harmony can be experienced within the Self and that is the subject of our message today.

And as you know, when one of us comes through to bring humanity messages of love, hope and great tydings, we do so from the entire Company of Heaven, so we sometimes use the plural, “We”.

Not only are we One with each other, but we are One with you. And you hear this often from us, do you not? [laughter]. So, as you know, you will often find us speaking in the collective though it is sometimes a singular identifiable entity like myself who steps forth to deliver the message.

So, yes, Beloveds of course it is possible to vibrate within a state of Harmony within oneself, despite our explanations of two or more objects, and do you know how this is so?

Yes, you do dear Channel, as you are thinking it straightaway as we have this conversation. But for the benefit of others who are not party to this immediate conversation and who will read it later – know that, my Dear Humans, there are three aspects to your being – Body, Mind and Spirit – and when all three of these aspects are vibrating within the same frequency – there is Harmony – do you understand this?

In fact, you may recall the number 3 being represented in many of your world’s religions, and that often times, the Godhead is described in the essence of 3 – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in at least one very popular religion in the Earth realm, so we ask that you now make that parallel.

But, Dear Ones, as we wish you to know – the religion called “Christianity” which most notably expresses itself in the belief in the “Trinity”, as it is so called – is not the only one which embodies Creator as “three”. There is also Hinduism, with its Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, Zoroastrianism with a three-fold path of good thoughts, good words, good deeds, the three-fold flame of what you might call “New-Agers”, as well as the Middle Way of Buddhists, and more.

Do you Beloveds, now see a pattern here?

It is commonly understood in the world’s religions – though we do not prefer “religion” of any kind since there are many strictures which are created which serve to divide and unnecessarily rule – that there are three aspects to divinity, INCLUDING YOUR OWN – and we would like to state that this is best represented as Body, Mind and Spirit.

However, while how that is characterized or so-termed is of little concern to us – we would like to state that achieving harmony within these three aspects of is of great importance, and is, in fact, one of the major reasons that you, as Spirit, have incarnated with a body and mind so very many times on your planet Earth, and others.

So you see Beloveds, that “over here” as you term it – do not quite understand religions on your planet, since ALL those incarnating as humans, in this or any other lifetime, and indeed all sentient beings, have the same goal: Harmony within Body, Mind and Spirit -- and this includes those who have no belief at all! (We do, however, think that particular Free Will choice (no belief at all) is saddening to us, since we love ALL so very much that is hurts us to think that the opportunity to communicate with us is perhaps minimized by those who choose to believe we do not exist. HOWEVER, what surprises are in store Dear Ones, for that we can assure you, that when the time is right – and it is almost here – that we will make our Loving presence on Earth known to humanity and we will move smoothly into the Golden Age of Gaia.

Alongside you, we are already building your new Terra Nova as it was intended before the Dark Ones tinkered with your DNA and remembrance so that you would forget your divinity and connection with Creator in ways that transcends any belief system.

Now, while there are many ways to integrate Body, Mind and Spirit, such as some of the very healing modalities this Scribe offers (this is where Dear One gets uncomfortable with what she calls our sales pitch [laughter], we do it on purpose since there are those who need to know at least some of the ways to “get there”), and there are these things, and MANY other ways, of course, to do this – so much so that we would like to tell you how, Dear Humans, you may NOT be doing it – that is to say, achieving Harmony as we define it.

But first, we would like to begin with some obvious but gentle basic reminders that will better help you to achieve Harmony, as you seek methodological ways which resonate with you, of bringing your Body, Mind and Spirt into a resonant frequency.

These reminders may be obvious to you but we would like to offer them anyway for those new on the Path, and those who feel the illusion that they have faltered:

You are not your story.
You are not your history.
You are not your occupation.
You are not a worker.
You are not your partner.
You are not your checkbook.
You are not your addiction.
You are not your obsession.
You are not another.
And so on and so forth. We will spare the reader further examples because we believe the point is made.

You are you.
And, again, you are composed of Body, Mind and Spirit.

So, what does that mean?

Today we will give some Earthly examples of being LESS in balance in Body, Mind and Spirit, since the ways to BE in harmony, are too numerous to name – as they are as limitless as one’s creativity and personal desire.

One example which we have chosen at random, of being OUT of balance -- and thus out of Harmony -- is for instance, exemplified in one who lives for the very existence of fitness and food. They may have what you would term very fit and healthy bodies but much, much time is spent at the gymnasium (yes we know this is an archaic term), shopping for food, blending food in a blender, chopping, supplementing, watching TV shows on food and reading articles on same, while also spending countless time with like-minded individuals, while speaking about little but food and fitness. We ask that you think of your work lunchrooms? Will you not find some there? We ask that you do not judge – only observe for the sake of this this lesson.

Of course, we would never state that good nutrition and bodily activity is not an appropriate thing to do – and Mother Gaia certainty has provided all you need to engage them both, has she not? So please do not mistake our message.

So, while this is not a judgment but an observation, one who, for instance, spends much time and effort on these matters to where it becomes how they identify themselves, this, Dear Ones, might constitute lack of balance in the triad of the Body, Mind and Spirit.

(Does it surprise you that we did not choose the “opposite” to represent disharmony – the proverbial “junk food junkie” or “couch potato” as a reference? We like to draw attention to the non-obvious sometimes, and this is what we have chosen today. And for the record, as your culture is fond of using the term “couch potato” in a negative light, the potato kingdom is not “altogether appreciative” of the reference since they do not believe that that is how they represent themselves as they grow in their beauty and perfection with the intent of nourishment for the animal kingdom. The terms makes them feel unappreciated and misunderstood. So perhaps that phrase will fade from the lexicon out of respect for our vegetable brethren?

A second example of lack of harmony in Body, Mind and Spirit, would be one who spends, say, for instance, most of their time in books. While we once again remind you that we do not hold judgment upon anyone, we are aware that there are those who may prefer to spend their time with books rather than people, and may, without even noticing it, live their lives in the element of fantasy or someone else’s story, rather than their own. We wish to remind each of you that your OWN story is that which is worth more than even the grandest novel or thriller, so please be present for it by spending time also on the Body and Spirit, rather than overly in the mind.

Do you see Beloveds what we mean by Balance in the triad of the human being – Body, Mind and Spirit? It can create stagnation when one attends to only one or two of these three components.

Finally, a third example of imbalance would be one who spends their time so much in the realm of spiritual development that they in fact, have unrecognized difficulty grounding the energies they worked so hard to connect with, because they spend little time “in their bodies”, so to speak. This is not, Dear Ones, what we intended. You have a Mind and Body for very good reason – as it is integral to what you are here to do – and that is rediscover your connection to Creator, to vanquish the Dark Ones on your planet (you HAVE!) and anchor the energies of love onto this planet (you are doing marvelously!) – and one cannot do this fully if they spend all their time in the etheric realms (so to speak), any more than one can discover their connection to Spirit with focusing heavily on the Body, or on the intellect.

Do you see what we mean dear Humans?

So, to remind you what this lesson brings, we, in the Company of Heaven wish to share with you today through me, Sarasvati, that in order to be in Harmony to the greatest degree, there must be Balance in the Inner, and the Inner then reflects the Outer. And yes, it even works the other way around in this case! Yes, you may “fake it till you make it”.

Do you understand Beloveds that when you have achieve Balance, there is no one who can steal you joy and passion for living, because you strong and anchored in the triad of which you are comprised: Body, Mind and Spirit – and no one of NO-THING can knock you off Balance.

In fact, this Scribe – and she will really be embarrassed now, (though we know she can handle it [laughter]), has, even though she has been on “the Path”, as it is so called, for about 5 years, only recently discovered the true meaning of Balance – since she seems to have achieved it only in the Now, after years of working on seemingly a singular component at a time, in favor of the others.

She is fond of saying, “OK, I worked on the Mind (through her extensive, rich and varied education), I worked on the Spirit (as evidenced by the testimony of her life and teachings), and now I must work on the Body. She struggles with this the most since she has a certain “standard” with which she desires to appear – FOR HERSELF – but has recently come to realize in fact, that other people do not hold her to those standards and many think that she is absolutely perfect just the way she is. While this will not prevent her with forging forward with healthy lifestyle changes – difficult is her schedule to achieve this – she is grateful for recent very obvious reminders that it is important to focus on all three components, ideally contemporaneously.

She is stating, “We are really not going to go there, are we?” And I say to her “Yes, Beloved, you are equipped for this and it is a message that other need to hear”.

Along working on the Body, in the way of nutrition, fitness and that which helps to optimize health of your vessel, there is another aspect of the body that is often neglected by those who are not in Balance.

Sex. Yes, sex!

Recently this Scribe was reminded of the importance of tending to that aspect of the Self, a part she heretofore often left for last on the list, being unattached, and very, very busy – and very, very selective, as she may term it. However, a recent quick unexpected “situationship” [laughter] came into her life which allowed her to remember what it was like to fully enjoy the human body – a vessel that many of us in the realms of Heaven who never incarnated with one, wish we could have experienced.

Dear Ones, you were given a body for a reason – to feel the raindrops on your face, the taste of ice cream, the warmth of the sun – yet, so many neglect their sexuality and either see it as an obligation or non-necessity, that we are astonished that someone with the capability to experience the sensations that a human body can provide – would not use it.

Now, we do not wish to place an unreasonable burden on those who do not have a loving partner at the moment – and by loving we also include the one which behaves lovingly while attending to you in this way – since indeed, those without partners have full capability to experience the benefits of having a human body all by themselves! We believe you know of that which we speak. We assure you Beloveds – you will NOT go blind! [great laughter]

Moreover, did you know Dear Ones, that sexual union involves sharing chakric energy? This is important to know since we do not wish everyone to embrace this energy technique in such a way as to run out and grab the first person on the street with whom to share this sacred energy – NOR do we believe in the Company of Heaven, in waiting “forever” – for the “right one” as you so term it. But we do want you to understand how powerful this exchange of energy is, and of course, that you choose with reasonable care he or she with whom you choose to share it – if even for a night.

But we DO want you to share it as you feel appropriate since it is indeed what your body is designed to do! And is it not pleasurable to do so? (That part comes as a result of taking care in choosing.)

Do you see how clever we were to make the parts fit? And this does not exclude same sex partners who are equally respected and loved in the Company of Heaven – who merely exhibit a different expression of masculine and feminine energies. Their Yin and Yang (of which each we have both), is merely housed in a vessel which is “non-traditional” as far as what you might expect.

Finally, as we wrap up this message, which took the channel about 2 weeks to get back to (perhaps she knew this was coming? [great laughter]) we would like to share with you a little “secret”. When you, how shall we say, reach a point during your relations with another (or with yourself), where the energy is at its peak – do you know what we speak of Dear Ones! …. then you may lovingly attach to it INTENTIONS to which you are trying to manifest in this lifetime!

Can you understand how clever this is?

IMAGINE the power of the energy released at that point in time!!!!

It is indeed GRAND!

So, whether or not you wish to send healing to the Earth, manifest abundance, or get that promotion – this is an untaught ENERGY TECHNIQUE to carry those intentions into the ethers with great loving force!!!

How surprised are you are Dear Humans to learn that sexual energy can be used in this way?!

[We might remind you to not get “too much into your head” and remain in the glorious moment – as all it takes is a second of intention to contribute to manifestation in this way, with all this energy of behind it!)

The Scribe says we are telling her secrets [laughter] but what we have not told you is the day it worked so well for her that the phone rang directly afterwards, manifesting what she had desired, within seconds of that energy release. [great laughter].

So, while we know you are surprised [to use a mild term] at our discussion today, we wish you to remember that you were born with all of the abilities and creativity necessary to create Harmony in your life and we merely have given you some suggestions as to how to achieve it –- the ways are as limitless as is your imagination!

We thank the Scribe for getting back to us, and I, Sarasvati wish to commend her for her some might consider bravery in what is a conversation with your Ascended Masters that easily could have never see the light of day.

We Thank You and We Love You Without End,

I Am, Your Sarasvati

via Aleasha Lewis, EarthTouch Healing Arts - http://www.earthtouchhealingarts.com/ 

August 19, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland


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