Monday, December 23, 2013

Worry is Not a Noble Act, Unconditional Love is

Worry is a habit that so many indulge in, not recognizing how energetically stagnating it is. People mistakenly think that worrying is noble, that it equates love for another, and it is somehow helpful to their path. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Worry indicates a lack of faith. It comes from a place of perceived powerlessness. It is born from fear and doubt. It keeps people stuck, disempowered and uncomfortable. Worry is simply letting the least empowered part of you take over and trying to create from there. It is like trying to run a race while sitting in quicksand.

Once you realize that you have an infinite ability to create the life of your dreams, worry becomes a thing of the past. Rather than waking with trepidation, you excitedly embrace each day, wondering what new wonders will show themselves to you. It is like waiting for a package to arrive in the mail. There is no need to fear it because you know exactly what you ordered.

The good news is, if you worry, you have already demonstrated that you can sit in stillness with focused thought. That is wonderful! So why not take that skill that you have already honed and instead use it to focus on what you DO want through meditation, visualization, prayer and gratitude? Any of those practices would feel so much better and provide much more satisfying results than you ever thought possible.

Peace on earth is something that many speak of, both in connection to your holiday season and also for the future of your beloved planet. What brings you peace?

 Many speak of a desire for peace, yet inner peace eludes them. Do you give yourself the love, the support, the opportunities to find and nurture your own sense of peace? Do you take that peace from within and share that beautiful energy with others?

 As with all other aspects of great change, it must start from within first, before it can be an external experience. BE the peace, Dear Ones. Demonstrate your inner peace by living a kind, gentle and mindful life of authentic expression. Help others find and connect to their own sense of peace.

 The greatest leaders and teachers on your planet have done just that, and created a cascade of peaceful potential everywhere they went. The changes you all seek in your deepest heart of hearts are truly attainable if you understand that they all begin with the spark of peace and divinity that exists in each and every one of you.

Many people see the flow as entering into movement. That is part of it, yes, but the flow is also about being in receiving mode, to allow the universal flow to deliver to you and to openheartedly accept its gifts, as well. The flow is movement and alignment, it is giving and accepting, it is loving and being loved, it is being of service and being served. The flow contains so very many things! To resist it is to deny yourself so many of the experiences that are your birthright and make being on the planet such a joyous experience. So embrace being in a beautiful dance with the universe, Dear Ones, and your place as an honoured, and beloved, part of it all.

There is a deep and abiding joy, a peaceful calm, and beautiful sense of ease and grace that comes from accepting that you are exactly where you need to be, BEing exactly who you are meant to be, in your rightful place in the universe. That sweet spot is completely available to you in each Now moment, Dear Ones. Why not embrace that divine truth and rejoice in it right now?

There is such a great joy in giving from the heart, that it is a gift in and of itself. Balanced giving, and receiving, is a wonderful aspect of flow. As you give, you experience higher alignment, unconditional love and joy. From holding those energies, you become magnetic to more of the same. Before you know it, you have moved into a joyful rhythm of giving and receiving that supports and celebrates all. You do not need to wait until your holiday season to experience this delightful flow. You can step into it any time you like, by simply intending to be a sincere gifter and receiver of love.

Many people have difficulty receiving. They feel that if they need help or step out of their giving role that people will reject them or that they will owe or be indebted to the other person, and somehow lose freedom to them.

 Dear Ones, if you have a fear of receiving or a fear of asking for help, it comes from expecting that love is conditional. It comes from a perspective of lack, that they will want more from you than you want to give in return. When you are concerned with the idea that there isn’t enough to go around, you will be carefully keeping track of who owes who and fearful of one day being made accountable. This is a very restrictive way of living and in no way connected with the vast flow of unconditional love, support and abundance that exists in the universe.

 Receiving is a loving act because it is giving someone the opportunity to express their love to you! Loving and giving feels GOOD. It is an activity of joy, expansion and service. It allows people to express themselves in their highest alignment, which supports heart-centered living.

 So, if you are uncomfortable in receiving, start looking at it as a way of being unconditionally loving to yourself. See it as surrendering into the higher dimensional energies and demonstrating your faith, trust and willingness to start flowing with the loving and abundant universe you are an honoured part of. The beautiful part is, allowing others to love and give to you is an act of service to them, as well.

When you start your day with an intention to be of highest service to all (yourself included), you naturally enter a space of calm acceptance and willingness to go wherever the flow takes you. You feel assured that you are being seamlessly guided to exactly where you need to be at any given moment, which allows you to bypass any feelings of impatience, frustration or doubt. By intending to be of service, you are approaching your day from a place of love and support for others, and, since you are holding that energy, will only bring forth more love and support for yourself, as well. It is a far more satisfying and empowered way of living, and will eventually become the norm for the enlightening human being.

Archangel Gabriel
Channeled by Shelley Young
December 15-21, 2013

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